Wicca,metaphysical studies and the occult,music,all kinds of outdoor activities,drums,poetry,guitar,partys,laughter,and last but not least women!!
Just about anybody that is fun to hang out with and is interesting and not a cranky miserable prick.
I like rock,country,blues,drum music,celtic and folk stuff.About anything.I'm not too heavy into the rap stuff though.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK46R8efH2o Black Oak Arkansas - Hot Rod
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I like movies that would either make me laugh uncontrollably or scare the shit out of me.I guess sometimes I go from one extreme to the other.
I don't watch too much television yet when I do it depends on what I'm in tyhe mood for.
I like reading all typoes os wicca and occulkt study books.I also l;ike Harry Potter,Lord of the Rings,alltypes ofgood fantasy books.I enjoy soimething that will make me laugh once in a while also.
The Loed & Lady,The founder of my pagan group and it's members,My friends from Wisteria and Circle Sanctuaty,My family and friends,My niece Natalie and her friend Mindy for making me continue to believe in mkyself and all the high times they gave to me,all good musicians who give great sound to my ears,Any frienmd I did not mention ,and of course Mr. George Carlin!!! Every word you speak is usually very true!!! Your also damn funny