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Paula Quinn

Historical Romance Author

About Me

I'm married to my pre-highschool sweetheart. We have three gorgeous kids, two dogs, a beautiful rescued umbrella cockatoo named Marley, and lots of finches. I've been writing since I was twelve, but am fairly new on the author set. To date, I have three historical romances out in the Risande series. (see below) My fourth title, Laird Of The Mist, a Scottish historical romance, will be released Dec '07. I've just turned in my fifth title, A Highlander Never Surrenders(due out Aug '08), and am currently at work on my next project. Visit my website!
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MySpace Countdown

Lord of Desire - Aug 2005
Book 1 in the Risande Series
- Reviewers International Organization third place winner.
- Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence finalist.
- Best Historical of 2005.
- Best Historical of 2005 and Best Debut of 2005

Lord Of Temptation - Feb 2006
Book 2 in the Risande series

- Romantic Times Magazine nominee for Best Medieval.
- Reviewers International Organization Honorable Mention for Favorite Long Historical Romance.
- Romance Readers At Heart Top Pick Award.
- nominee for the 2006 Reviewers' Choice Award
Lord Of Seduction - Dec 2006
Book 3 in the Risande series
- Received a starred Review from Publishers Weekly!
- Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence finalist for Best Historical.
- nominee for the 2006 Reviewers' Choice Award.
- Romance Readers At Heart Top Pick Award.
Laird of the Mist - Dec 2007
- RomanticTimes Magazine nominee for Best Scottish set Historical Romance of 2007
- Top Pick from RomanticTimes Magazine.
- "Quinn captures the aura of the Highlands brilliantly, delivering a tale rife with Scottish lore and infamous feuds. She combines passion, history, danger and intrigue to perfection."~ Kathe Robin
- Reviewers Choice Award from Night Owl Romance
-Reviewers Choice Award from Single Titles
- Top Pick Award from Romance Readers At Heart
- Desert Island Keeper from All About Romance
- Five Blue Ribbon Award from Romance Junkies
- Joyfully Recommended Read from Joyfully Reviewed
- Winner of AAR's Annual Reader Poll for Best Medieval of 2008
Quoted by Ordericus Vitalis in The Ecclesiastical History (c. 1142)
"I tremble my friends/ when I reflect on the grievous sins which burden my conscience, and now, about to be summoned before the awful tribunal of God, I know not what I ought to do. I was bred to arms from my childhood, and am stained from the rivers of blood I have shed... It is out of my power to count all the injuries which I have caused during the sixty-four years of my troubled life." - King William of Normandy
While there's leaves in the forest
And foam on the river,
MacGregor, despite them,
Shall flourish forever!
Sir Walter Scott
"Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't also cost you yours." - Rich Mullins
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

William The Conqueror, King Richard the Lion Hearted, King Arthur, Gerard Butler, Bo Bice, and Chester Bennington. All the fantastic trollops from my message board. I love you guys.

Generate your own contact table!

"Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't also cost you yours." Rich Mullins

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Take the quiz:
What kind of Fairy are you?

Earth Fairy
You are an Earth Fairy! Love and Grace is important to you. Your soul is at peace. You are a people person. You make Friends easily. You stand stong for what you belive in.

Take the quiz:
Which Century Do You Belong In?


This man is a work of art! Ray Stevenson from Rome.





I have a new love, Robin Hood on BBC

My latest obsession...Dexter. Brilliant! Frasier, AI, Brotherhood, The Dog Whisperer, and the best show EVER....


Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, older Julie Garwood, Lynn Kurland and Teresa Medeiros.


Green-eyed Graham.

The beautiful Chris Capaldi!

Thank you for the gorgeous picture, Chris!

Only a beautiful man like Chris Capaldi can look this good in such a bad quality picture.

Lord Of Seduction is now available in Spanish!
Lord Of Temptation is now available in Spanish!

Lord Of Desire is now available in Spanish!

My favorite painting...Meeting On The Turret Stairs by Fredrick Burton

Thank you, Kristi!

Thank you, Terra!

Thank you, Amber!

Thank you, Kat!!

My Blog

RT Times Top Pick and more!

The month before a new release is always a little stressful. You just never know how your book is going to be received. Well, so far my Highlanders are doing great! Laird of the Mist did fantastic (th...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:26:00 PST

New contest, free chapters, & fun extras!

Summer is almost here and with it comes the release of my newest Scottish Historical romance, A Highlander Never Surrenders.Visit www. PaulaQuinn. com for chapter's one and two and my new fun Extras p...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:08:00 PST

Blogging at Fresh Fiction today!

Happy St. Patrick’s day! I’ll be blogging today (my favorite day of the year) at Stop over and say hello! Cheers, Paula...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:03:00 PST

Laird wins Best Medieval at AAR!

Dear Readers, I'm so pleased to announce that Laird Of The Mist has won the All About Romance Annual Readers Poll for Best Medieval! Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to all who vote...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 10:30:00 PST

Amazon France and pleasant dreams

It's been a good day, even though technically it's already tomorrow. (1:25 am here.) I just finished a chapter for my newest Warner release and came on to discover that Laird of the Mist is 2 at Amazo...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:40:00 PST

Happy Valentine's Day! Fun interview with Realms On Our Bookshelves!

 It's the most romantic day of the year and I can't think of a better way to share it with you (other than sending you all chocolates)than inviting you to share an amazing interview I did with th...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:01:00 PST

German anyone?

I'm so excited about Lord Of Desire being released in German! I don't know where it's available yet, but I love the pretty cover! Can I get that gown in four different colors please? Can't wait for Lo...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 02:30:00 PST

Blogging at RRAH!

Hi folks, Just a quick note to tell you that I'll be blogging at Romance Readers At Heart on January 24th. Stop by and say hello. I'll be giving away a signed copy of Laird Of The Mist to one lucker p...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 01:06:00 PST

Laird just keeps on getting better

Merci la France!  Laird hit 7 on Amazon France today in Romance! Oh la la! And 14 on Amazon America in Romance/Historical! It also picked up a 5 Blue Ribbon read from Romance Junkies. Hop on ov...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:43:00 PST

Blogging at Romantic Inks today!

Hello friends, Come join me at the wonderful Romantic Inks where I'll be guest blogging on January 20 & 21. I'll be talking about Laird and giving away some signed books. Hope to see you ther...
Posted by Paula Quinn on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:16:00 PST