preserving the art of uprock. dancing. building our uprock brotherhood.
dancers,b-boys,poppers,lockers,boogaloos,uprockers,djs,promo ters, gangsters, bikers...
funk and soul,james brown,jimmy castor,b.t. express,jamiroquai,breakestra,the black birds,incedible bongo band,brand new heavies,marva whitney,b.t. express,baby huey and the babysitters,dennis coffey,the begining of the end,ralph munnings,bobby bird,babe ruth,black heat,booker t. and the mg's,little beaver,third guitar,the outlaw gang,
the warriors, flyin cut sleeves, 80 blocks from tiffany's, hells angels forever,werewolves on wheels,hells angels 69', easy rider, the wild one, uprockers revenge.
bomb the suburbs, hells angel, soul on wheels.
rubberband man, apachie (devil rebels)the creators of uprock.all original uprockers who helped pave the way for the development and influence of this dance and its culture.