Writing (of course!); music (preferably IDM -- Warp --, experimental, ambient, dark ambient, industrial, martial, baroque...); literature (preferably classics); non fiction books about philosophy, psychology, science and spirituality; walking; travelling; cinema; taichi; theatre; food and wine; tea and coffee; family; friends...
Friends, musicians, writers, artists, playwrights, screenplay writers, theatre and film directors, publishers (more in love with books and ideas than with money!), creative people, enthusiastic people, kind people, compassionate people, open-minded people, citizens of the world... :-) ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
Pronefoal, Yellow6, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Plaid, Bronnt Industries Kapital, Bauhaus, Joy Division, The Chameleons, Xmal Deutschland, Tuxedomoon, Asian Dub Foundation, Black Star Liner, The Fall, Dead Voices on Air, Dead Can Dance, Zoviet France, Thomas Köner, His Divine Grace, Necropolis, Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Arvo Pärt, Mozart, Pergolese, Purcell, and many many more!
Tarkovsky (in particular: Stalker, Nostalghia, Sacrifice), Apocalypse Now, 2001, Fight Club, The Last Temptation of Christ, Pan's Labyrinth, Brazil, Eraserhead, Inland Empire, The Fog of War, La Grande Illusion, Le Silence de la Mer, Le Journal d'un Curé de Campagne, Nosferatu (Murnau's), Metropolis, Der Golem, Pi, Jacob's Ladder, Matrix trilogy, Hitchcock's films, A Matter of Life and Death, The Painted Veil, The Omen, A Zed and Two Noughts, Prospero's Books, Casablanca, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, How to get ahead in advertizing, Paris je t'aime, Un Dimanche à la Campagne, L'Amour à Mort, L'Année Dernière à Marienbad, Petits Arrangements avec les Morts, La Haine, La Grande Vadrouille, Throw Mama from the train...
Documentaries (all types! but preferably on science, religion and history with a human interest). I watch far too much TV! Series: Heroes, Lost, Northern Exposure, Medium, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks, American Gothic, Brideshead Revisited, Desperate Housewives... Comedy: Red Dwarf, Father Ted, Spaced, Frasier, Big Train, Black Books, The Mighty Boosh, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, The League of Gentlemen, The IT Crowd...
(Or rather authors!!!) Dante, Rumi, Dickens, Hugo, Alain-Fournier, John Donne, Balzac, Flaubert, Camus, T.S. Eliot, Daphne du Maurier, Yveline Féray, Evelyn Waugh, Somerset Maugham, Conan Doyle, Ibsen, Tchekhov, Frederick Tristan, Kafka, Stefan Zweig, René Daumal, Gustav Meyrink, William Blake, Vercors, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Walker Percy, Marcel Pagnol, André Gide, Bernanos, and many more!
Teilhard de Chardin, Alexandra David-Neel, Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Rumi, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross