MUSIC, travling, getting tattooed, meeting as many new people as possible, going to beaches, watching the sun set, being on tour with friends, running.
Interesting people who are more concerned with life than fashion. People who can look past themselves. People who dont live for the moment.
Where do you start?..........From Appleseed Cast to Dillenger Escape Plan. THE DARKNESS!!!
Requiem for A Dream, American Beauty, Cassino, Spinal Tap-Waiting for Gufman-Best in Show-A Mighty Wind, Fight Club, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Paradise Lost Documentaries, Fargo, Rain Man, Dead Poets Society, Gross Point Blank, School Of Rock, Punch Drunk Love, The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, Event Horizon, The Shining, SLC Punk, Swing Kids, Seven, Moulin Rouge, Kung Fu Hustle.....
^those keep me from watching to much TV. I do like that east coast choppers show though. A lot of stuff on the Discovery Channel isn't half bad either. The Simpsons, Family Guy, 24 and The Sopranos.
Life as a wallflower, Dantes Inferno........
People who aren't looking for handouts but are willing to give of themselves when called upon.