RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS profile picture


Intelligent, experienced, diverse, hard-working, business-minded, mass money making, big spending, f

About Me


My Interests

SYNAPSIS: I am a very real, straight up honest and very straight forward man, that believes that you have to work hard but play hard! Success doesn't ever really happen by accident. If you want it in life, you have to earn it! A man can't afford to ever make excuses in life! I'm non-judemental and very open-minded about all aspects of life. Life has taught me that experience, failure and pain are quite often the best teachers on the path of enlightenment and growth. Overall, I say that I'm a hardworkin', city lovin' cowboy! __________________________________________________________CO MMENTS SECTION / ADVERTISERS: Basically, I'll let you post just about anything on my page. I haven't taken the time to edit it fully yet, so it helps add to my otherwise basic look. Comments are therefore always greatly appreciated. Also, friendly and personal comments are especially welcome, because it helps validate me as the person and man that I am. I like to help people whenever I can too, so band members are always quite welcome. ___________________________________________________________M Y PICTURES: I don't take a lot of solo pictures, so most of my pictures are from the nightclubs with someone else, typically women I know. Also, I was a non-professional model for a hot minute, but I put on a few extra pounds as an engineer and now that's over. I have a few tattoos now. ___________________________________________________________C LUBS / NIGHTLIFE SPOTS: I'm a social drinker and a regular at nightclubs. Anything from Goth, Hip-hop, Rap, RnB, Jazz, Blues, Techno, House, Country, Salsa, mid-Eastern, Euro, Rock and Rave (and just about any other genre of anything else I missed). I live for the clubs when I'm not out working hard to not only support my free spending lifestyle, but also to help others. ___________________________________________________________U .S. NAVY: Fourth (4th) generation military. After graduating from private school college (General Motors Institute now Kettering University), I volunteered and initially enlisted to be a NUPOC (Nuclear Engineer for submarines) and was later sent to Pensacola (Florida) to be an NFOC (Naval Flight Officer Candidate).Currently Honorably Discharged; I'm no longer active duty but I will always continue to support other veterans and especially active duty extended (family) around the world. ___________________________________________________________O THER: What I enjoy most about life is to be involved with as much as I can, from making money to helping others around me. In addition, I love women, traveling, music, socializing and making new friends among 50 million other interests. Over the years I have learned patience and to try to live life to its fullest. Some would call me a Baller, while others say I'm way too generous, and still some would just say I'm a chivalrous idiot that trusts everyone way too much. There's a certain truth to every point of view of course. You decide for yourself, but I make my friends for a lifetime. I don't have time for hate, only love. There are few like me and even less that can really understand everything about me. I'm as deep of a person as the sea and more vast than space. You don't find someone as real, true and compassionate as I am out here in this World. I'll take the shirt off my back for you, literally! Basically though, I work and make a lot but I spend a lot (see comments by former NBA star Patrick Ewing). Have a good one always. PEACE! ___________________________________________________________D ISLIKES: Haters, cheats, cowards, bullies, excessive liars, total users, lazy people, excuse-makers, whiners, filthy / disorganized slobs, bad breath, racists, close-minded discriminatory idiots, thieves, rapists, women / wife beaters, bigots (except for Clayton Bigsby), crackheads (except for Tyrone Bigums), gross stupidity, etc. ___________________________________________________________L IKES: Money, most people, my friends (on-line or not, close or not), compassion, trust, honor, respect, peace, jokes / humor, serenity, spiritual people, artists, musicians / music, sports, and others with similar interests (e.g. social clubbers / drinkers). ___________________________________________________________T URN-ONS (WOMEN): Refinement, pro or semi-pro models, dancers (including exotic and belly dancers), elegance (both inside and outside), high heels, fishnets, skirts, female rock band leaders or the main singers, athletes, tall, agressive, intelligence / education, ambition, party-goers / flirts, talkative / conversationalists, tattoos, piercings, etc.Also, a woman that knows how to shop with me and not waste my time when it's my treat to her and can kiss the right way. I really love to take women shopping, but I'm also not trying to get hurt and played anymore either. Main thing is honesty up front.Southern belle accents and knowing when to have a "healthy warm glass of 'just shut the eff' up" are really good to have too (just kidding). ;)Favorite female fragrance perfume is Cool Water for women; there's no better reaction when mixed in with the natural phermones.(Believe it or not, as wild and varied as my interests are, one (1) night stands are a turn-off. I'm much too clean for that. Also, the main reason being, be a repeat customer dammit'; I'm trying to get married here!) ___________________________________________________________R ESPECT: GOD, Mothers, women, children, babies, kids, the elderly, animals (e.g. puppies, kittens, etc.), and always defend / protect the weak. ___________________________________________________________F AVORITE FOOD: Sushi, Pizza, Schwarma's (mediterranean style), Iranian (marinated) chicken, BBQ, Steak, Burgers, Pita's, and just about any other exotic cuisine I've never had before. ___________________________________________________________F AVORITE DRINKS: Alcohol, mostly Long Island Ice Tea, followed by 2 rounds of Gin & Juice in attack mode, then finally 2 shot glasses of Vodka placed face down, and I end my turn. ___________________________________________________________I SHOULD HAVE BEEN: An astronaut for N.A.S.A. or a rocket scientist, literally. ___________________________________________________________P UBLISHED: Two (2) Thesis papers (one for N.A.S.A. regarding Project MARS and another for 3-year engineering plant improvement research), and several rhythmic poems. ___________________________________________________________S IBLINGS: Older brother and younger sister (yup', I'm in the middle). ___________________________________________________________K ARMA: Is why I am still here. Have never had an accident while drunk but have survived to live another day over 5 times now (including being shot at more than once and 3 total car collisions). ___________________________________________________________B IGGEST ISSUE: Personal problem with being way too nice, especially to women, but don't push me or try your luck because I'm not 100% naive! ;) ___________________________________________________________E NGAGED: Twice (never married; long freakin' story). "I'm single now, got no ring's on this finger now"....(Eminem quote). At this point, I'm just starting to learn that I'm a bitter 30 year old man, and while I have ladies that I do love, I'm realizing that more and more there's no point to me ever getting married and having kids at this point. The only thing that matters is stacking up on my paper. When you've loved and fallen as hard and as often as I have, you accept that women of today will never ever appreciate a truly great and nice caring man. Sucks to be me, but then again life is great to be single because I never know who is out here that will be the right one for me, but only a hopeless true romantic would say such a thing! ___________________________________________________________ LASTLY: P.S. GOD bless! Which means, whether you're religious or not, peace and goodwill be with you my friend. Thanks for taking the time to check out my site, and although I've written a lot, this is just a fraction of me as a person. Take care. L8R! ___________________________________________________________ GENERAL: My interests vary from time to time, because I like to mix and spice things up. It takes a lot to get to know and understand me fully, if it's possible. Just about everything interests me, but networking with people (public socializing), music, sports, movies, dancing, photography, business (making money) and science are my main interests.SPORTS: NFL / CFL / AFL (Football), NBA (Basketball), NHL (Hockey), MLB (Baseball), PGA (Golf), NCAA (College Sports), MLS (Soccer), POKE HER ;)

I'd like to meet:

Paris Hilton, or just about everyone now at this point. It's great to be a helpful person and mentor for some. I especially enjoy meeting different types of women because I'm not married yet but I'm still looking to have kids and for that one (1) woman to be my everything someday.This site costs nothing, and you can meet just about anyone from anywhere. So, whether you are young or old, long distance or not, business related or not, it really doesn't matter to me. However, I still do prefer to meet the old fashioned way (in public and in person) though.Basically, I'm sure to learn something new in life from you just as much as I'm sure I have plenty of viewpoints and things to discuss and teach you in and about life as well. You should never limit yourself to just your own point of view or you fail to grow as a person.The more I know, the better I understand and continue to grow as a person to be the best. I'm already academic and a near-genius, but I still don't know enough about clubbing, sales, the street hustle (despite being from Detroit), etc.Well, regardless, if you take the time to read all of this, have a great one. PEACE!


GENERAL: I don't have a particular musical interest.I love anything from Classical, Rock, Goth, RnB, top 40 hits, Country, Jazz, Blues, Opera, Urban, Pop, Techno, Rave, Middle Eastern, European, Japanese, Rap (Eminem, D12, 36 Mafia) and a lot more.Favorite artist is Gwen Stefani, but there are just way too many to lists out here to do all of them proper justice.Overall, if it's a hit within a genre, I've more than likely got a copy for myself.


FAVORITES: Old School (with Will Ferrell as Frank the Tank) , The Wedding Crashers, Van Wilder, Friday (trilogy), The Matrix (trilogy). ___________________________________________________________ Mostly, anything with action, horror, war, science fiction and space / time are going to be some of my favorites.Classic movies (and series), even when they are fake, are great, which would include Scarface, Platoon, Heaven and Earth, etc. Also, you could include a long list of other franchise movies such as Rush Hour, Mission Impossible, Star Trek, Scary Movie, House, Terminator, Predator, Alien and a lot more. I go to the movies a lot as well, whether dating or not, it's fun to me because it's imaginative.


TV, mostly professional sports (particularly NFL Football), are what I watch the most of. Other favorite channels are ESPN, HBO (Sopranos, Taxi Cab C.), Comedy Central [(for series such as Drawn Together, Chapelle Show (please make more episodes)], Discovery, Animal Planet (Croc Hunter), Sci Fi (Battlestar Galactica, StarGate series, TAPS), UPN (WWE, Top Model), TNT, CNN, MSNBC, VH1, MTV, WB, Cartoon Network (Justice League, Transformers, Teen Titans), and a few others when time permits. ___________________________________________________________ VIDEO GAMES: Not much time for this anymore. This used to be a national past-time for me, but not nearly as much now because I'm just way too busy these days. However, some of my all-time favorite games and series include but are not limited to: Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, Virtual Fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Panzer Dragoon, Super Mario Brothers, Street Fighter, Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Pac Man, Tecmo Sports, Madden NFL, Thunder Force, Soul Edge / Calibur, The Legend of Zelda, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Castlevania, Rygar, Herzog Zwei, Tetris, Tempest, Golden Axe, and others that I'm forgeting about.


Although highly intellectual, I'm not much of a book reader believe it or not. My attention span runs thin because they're just not interactive enough I suppose. If I am reading, it's probably going to be a magazine like GQ, Maxim, Stuff, FHM or Playboy. These magazines actually have great articles though, and some laugh when I say that, but there are a lot of magazines whereby, if you don't just flip through to all of the pages of elegant women, and actually take time to read the articles, you'll learn a lot about people, places, how to dress, other cultures, vacation / travel spots, etc.


GOD, first and foremost. Then, there have been many that have influenced me to greatness, but I have to give most of the credit to my deceased Lt. and father, R. L. Gilmer. Other than that, there is a long list that would include my church (Plymouth United Church of Christ in Detroit), mother, family members (both the selfish and super filthy rich as well as the broke ones on both sides of my family), several teachers and professors, N.A.S.A. ('93 mission team), sports idols (e.g. Barry Sanders), Gunnery Sergeants, Lt. Commanders, video games, haters (that made me even stronger) and many more to list. After all, most of us are a product of what we know growing up and are exposed to.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Blog

LAS VEGAS: Club TAO w/Paris Hilton, Craps, etc.

I absolutle ly LOVE it out here! I've not had time to write a blog or hardly call anyone anymore. It's hard to believe people wait and save up all year long just to come here and I get to live here. T...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST

LAS VEGAS: Club TAO w/Paris Hilton, Craps, etc.

I absolutle ly LOVE it out here! I've not had time to write a blog or hardly call anyone anymore. It's hard to believe people wait and save up all year long just to come here and I get to live here. T...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST

LAS VEGAS: Club TAO w/Paris Hilton, Craps, etc.

I absolutle ly LOVE it out here! I've not had time to write a blog or hardly call anyone anymore. It's hard to believe people wait and save up all year long just to come here and I get to live here. T...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST


It's been a very long time since I blogged. 2007 ended badly to a certain degree, but it was a great year in terms of going to (South) Korea, Los Angeles twice, Baltimore, and many other places. When ...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:14:00 PST


Most people, well, their minds cease to continue to grow beyond a certain point. Well, in the case of myself, it hasn't. don't get me wrong, it's scary to not know or understand why that is. I've been...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:31:00 PST


I've been blessed in life, with life. Work has taken me far and away, and it does so once again. I leave Detroit, my friends, family and love interest behind. Let the money not corrupt me into stupidi...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 02:25:00 PST


Damn, for those that don't know, I took a job building military vehicles, to replace the HUMVEE. We are losing an average of 3 troops a day to suicide and car bombers. So I will travel to and from Ir...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:00:00 PST

Check out this event: Introducing The Strippers Directory Message Board

Hosted By: The Strippers DirectoryWhen: Tuesday Jun 26, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: OnlineEUGENE, OR 97404United StatesDescription: The Strippers Directory Click Here To View Event...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 12:11:00 PST

Where the F am I...? Exotic Dancers, Baby Momma's, Korea, Drinkin'...Bad vs. Good, Music, etc.!

Where the FUCK am I? ... and HOW do you get to DETROIT? - Richard Pryor!   That's how I feel these days. All I thin about. My friends and family back home there. Some of them have relocated to Ch...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:27:00 PST

My many nicknames!

Over the years, I've had a gazillion nicknames. Let's take a look: Richie-Rich, named for the ballin' nightclubber drunk side of me. Grandpa, given to me when I was in Jr. High because my jokes (roast...
Posted by RICHIE-RICH lives n PARADISE! No stress LAS VEGAS on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:16:00 PST