A few minor problems that complicates an ordinary day
The York was formed in the spring of 2006. After spending too much time doing nothing we ran into an opportunity to change our way of living and took it. I guess there's no need to make any comment about the music, it speaks pretty much for it self, and for some reason there's not much to say about the band, the music speaks pretty much for them as well.
Ok...that's a very boring way of putting it...I guess some basic info can spice it up a bit:
The York's a four piece band. They all come from the southeastern swedish town Kalmar, but nowdays only one member still lives there. With very different backgrounds they started out as a punk/pop group, but turned very fast into playing some sort of indiealternativepostpoprock. That's about it. Hope you'll enjoy our music.
The York är sedan våren -06 vad man kallar för ett band. Ett band där de fyra medlemmarna får utlopp för den kreativitet de i tid och otid envisas med att odla. Trots att hemmahamnen sägs vara Kalmar är det väldig liten del av bandet som bor där, ynka 25%, resterande procent bor utomläns. Det finns inte så mycket mer som är relevant att säga om bandet, förhoppningsvis säger musiken sitt... Tack för att du tittade in, hoppas du gillar det!
Contact: info(a)theyorkmusic.com
Sometimes situations like this seem to have a life of their own -Live-