THE SHY LADS profile picture



About Me

The Shy Lads story takes its beginning in 2003 when the Hollström brothers decided to do something creative from their musical gift of their old blues father. They started to play some Beatles, Stones and Oasis covers with various friends in the backyard. It didnt take long before they started to write and record their own material. A five piece group was later formed in the summer of 2005. The group have recorded two EPs, toured Germany and played in front of many youngsters in southern Sweden. Songwriter and lead vocalist Dennis wants to write hit songs with warmth, passion and meaning. With each members personal touch you get the sound of The Shy Lads.
Written about The Shy Lads:
”Snacka om att få en hästspark mitt i bröstet! Inledande Now är inget mer än en total fullträff.” (
En låt som "Now" kan man inte annat än att ta till sig ganska omgående…
The Shy Lads är unga och jävligt hungriga, det märks. Det sjungs om den farliga musikindustrin och sorgliga betraktelser om bekanta. Musiken känns på många sätt obefläckad av rådande trender. (
Svensk rock/pop med hjärtat på rätt ställe. (
Patrik Forshage letar varje månad rätt på det bästa på CDON:s demosite. Så här skriver han om Mr Policeman: "Kackerlacke-garagerock, omöjlig att utrota och ettrig som fan." (Nöjesguiden, Malmö)
Interview and live performance at Hasenschaukel, Hamburg:
“The gig was much better than both of us imagined. Although the acoustic played songs are quite different from the demos that we knew, The Shy Lads were able to enthral their audience and created an atmosphere which gave goose bumps. The fact that every one of those four boys knew their instruments and played incredibly well promised a great night…”
“Who has the slightest chance to watch The Shy Lads should go. The demos are good, but the guys live are brilliant and will convince everyone. “

My Interests


Member Since: 1/15/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: THE BAND

Dennis - Vocals & Rhythm Guitar

Jonas - Drums & Vocals

Patrik - Bass & Vocals

Michael - Lead Guitar

Casper - Keyboard


Viktor Persson
Nebraska Production
+46 73 6907370
[email protected]
Sounds Like:
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Check out the demoversion of our song "Hamburg" here on myspace. We wrote it when we played in Germany last year. Currently the band are making plans together with manager Viktor for a record and a to...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:16:00 PST


After the gig on Mejeriet 22/3 the band signed a management-contract with Nebraska Production who is a part of CWOM Music Group. The future is looking bright and we are very happy about the contract. ...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:24:00 PST

New song added - Mr Policeman

Merry Christmas! As a gift we added the live favourite Mr Policeman The band will record 3 new songs, hopefully they will be finished in January 2008The songs are:"Hamburg""At the dead end road""Lost ...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:52:00 PST

Good & Bad news

The Bad news As you can tell by the 2007 photo session our keyboardplayer Niklas can not longer play with us. Due to long distance and studies he decided to quit but he is still a great friend of...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:34:00 PST

2 new songs online!

Hope you like them We are satisfied! You can download the whole EP for free Go to Dont forget to leave a comment Peace&Love
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:37:00 PST

Germany here we come!

Hope to see you in Germany next week! Its gonna be great Im gonna wear my new leather jacket alot We have already released our new EP in advance on our homepage We're gonna update...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:37:00 PST and the shy lads + New recording session

Well well well, what have we here? site to enjoy our music and maybe drop a few encouragin' comments on enjoy!//Mike.HP.S. I hope to see you guys at the upc...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:34:00 PST


Ladies and gentlemen, here are som news about THE SHY LADSWe got some new photos takes by KarroSome new live shots too by Annelie and some nice girl I dont know the name of..They will appear on our my...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 06:11:00 PST

The Basement Recordings 2006

Hello All you Shy Lads fans =) The new demo is finally finished! We have named it The Basement Recordings, not a original name but we recorded it in Puthes basement so we couldnt think of a better nam...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Sat, 27 May 2006 07:29:00 PST

Malmö Arena 305, 24/3 -06

Hello! (this is Dennis writing Since Michael was too "busy" now) =)The Gig(Malm Arena 305, 24/3 -06) went well but it was a tiny audience, I think we did the best we could. The party after was al...
Posted by THE SHY LADS on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 05:08:00 PST