I love the outdoors which tears me in half because I love the city. I play all sports. I have this thing about winning. I must win! I like anything to do with competition becuase it brings out the best in me. I'm a jujitsu specialist. I love fighting whether its me fighting or watching a fight. I respect any practice that focuses on chi, ki, zee, jung, pranna, kundalani, lifeforce *ENERGY*. I love anything where I can obsererv the person performing delving within themselves to overcome…One of my favorite things to do is get bundled up with my boys, get a coffee, a joint and going down to the Ocean to listen to the waves and talk about life. I write poetry, sceenplays, philosophies, fiction, non-fiction... I have a garden. I watch a ton of TV if time permits. I spend a lot of time at the dog park. I read tarot cards. I work with energy. I meditate. I’m always reading. I usually have three or four books going on at once.I’m interested in the things that I already know about and just as interested in learning about things that I don’t.
I’d like to chat with people that can read all this and dig on some level what I’m all about. I like to argue and have deep conversations regarding anything you might feel strongly about. I respect people and their opinions and boundaries but I'll always try to push. I'm open minded about anything and everything and look for opportunities that may expanded my box of perspectives.
I'm into spirituality and science so I'm constantly trying to learn about philosophy, the occult, and different forms of energy.
I'm always searching for the connections or the formula behind things..... space, time, God, humanity, matter, the elements, the psyche, relationships, energy..... The most entertaining thing in the world to me is the fact that we doubt EVERYTHING... How could we see this world everyday with all it's reminders of the infinite and doubt our purpose or question whether or not we have a one. A snowflake, a fingerprint, the double helix, flowers, taste, all galaxies spiraled, hurricanes too, sounds, colors, evolutions, technology, season cycles, the movment of the stars, all the contradictions or the great dualities... Aparrent "random" anomalies, so called "junk" DNA The list goes on... Everything around us has shown that there is some flawless eternal formula operating behind all things big and small. We know the laws that govern our reality and we've shown that we have the tools to shape our inner and outter world as we see fit. So I plan to spend my life trying to open people up to the experience.
I just found out that I can register myself as a real authentic Indian. Now even though I don't believe that people should treated differently, I'd be a fool not to take advantage of the fact that once I get my status all business ventures will be paid for... The first stage of my plan is to open a spiritual cafe, which will also be a contact center for spiritualists of any kind. It will also offer spiritual/nutritional/emotional/ counciling. Workshops and seminars as well as healing through massage, energy work, herbolism, crystals, medatations and intent. The center will also feature local artists and natural musicians.I will one day soon start to make films that will touch people on a spiritual level. When I say touch people spiritualy I don't mean just sappy or cheesy feel good stories but rather ANYTHING that will assist people in awakening to the unknown, which can come in any form that will simply make people think a little differently... Being a horror movie fanatic I expect to come up with some twisted shit... but never without an underlying truth. By touching people spiritually I mean to simply evolve a perspective and/or create an understanding. I find comfort in the knowledge that we have no clue where we are or where we're going. I feel a need to help people realize that this is simply a never ending journey of universal evolution and the speed at which we evolve is completely up to us and the things that influence us, therefore I wish to influence people but only in the aspect of pushing people to think without limits and to think without fear. When we can live without fear we can live up to our potential which is an unlimited source of ever evolving energy that will guide us if we pay attention.
I'm interested in meeting people that can sense... Sense energy... emotion... connection... happiness... sadness... people that can sense the mystery in the mundane and happiness in the moment. I’d love to meet people that recognize everyday as an opportunity to fertilize unlimited possibilities. I've found in my life that the people who have the biggest "issues" whether it be emotional, money, family, drugs, depression, abuse... whatever... these are the people that have a deep emotional understanding.... I believe that its our pains that gives us the ability to really be able to grasp and enjoy the world with everything that it has to offer.... I love meeting people who understand this! It's all about broadening the spectrum of understanding so that we can absorb the happiness and the real blissful moments that are gifted to us everyday... sounds cliche but I believe there will come a time when you remember everything you've ever heard about everything and you realize that they were "all" right afterall.
I'm not a huge music fan in the sense that I don't burn cds, I don't have an ipod, and most of my cd's are from the 90's. I use to have thousand of cds. I'd scam those cd offers in the mail. I'd go to all the pawn shops. I'd make bets... and then they were all stolen out of my ex car one day and I sort of got bitter after that. I like house, trance, harddance... but I don't know any of that music... I just hear it at the bar or where ever and I like it. What I really enjoy listening to in the car or whereever is rock alternative.I'm into new-age music.... something to listen to while meditating... or classical during dinner with wine when I'm trying to play highclass. I like music but I'm really quite uneducated with the stuff that’s out their right now... unless its something that would be on the FOX.... FOX ROCKS!
What the bleep, The Secret and The Elegant Universe are my top three because of what the stand for and what they're doing for people. I'm a writing filmaking actor and I can find something to appreciate in every movie I see.
I watch a ton of TV... I have this theory that T.V is like the quick fix for experience. I still enjoy everything the world has to offer (TV being one of them) My absolute favorites are: Hero's, 24, Lost, Survivor, and carnival. I still get up early on Saturdays to watch cartoons (Avatar the Last Air Bender is one of the most amazing shows on TV and it's for kids 8-12) I could probably find something to enjoy at any hour that I decide to watch.... So I'll just leave it at that.
I did have long winded explanations regarding my most precious books but I'm at a point now where I'll just have to list them off and sell them to you when we talk. Conversations with god is one of the most proufound things I've ever heard! I love the alchemist, Celestine prophecy, fiery muse, way of the peaceful warrior, and cosmic consciousness. I love any book to do with magic, mind, energy or spirit. I've been reading a lot about spiritual masters and people who have experienced universal oneness. I'm facinated with Buddah and Jesus along with all their deciples and people who carried their messages. I enjoy any kind of mythology or theology. I like to read anything about how other people connect to god/universe. I’ll read anything to do with energy, spirit, philosophy, history or science. Most of the books I have read have been recommend to me by important people. I will ALWAYS read a book that someone else tells me to read.
I am Muluc the lotus of remembrance that carries the seed of the Great Central Sun! The precious starseeds within me have remained poised within your protective embrace like a pulsating whisper of reunion's song unsung; Waiting, cradled within the arms of the one moment, empowered to release my splendor back to you now! I am the realm of awareness, the nourishment that quickens the sacred seed. You are the harmonious passage through which I flow to bask within your lambent glow, that full remembrance may be mine. As awakening stirs within my earthen form, the cosmic seed expands, releasing its elixir. Like an exhilarating fountain, it flows through the translator beacon of self, arousing its whisper into a voice empowered to extend its communication into the waiting galactic network. I am Muluc! You will bathe in the waters of my remembrance, I will shed my veil of self-forgetting, keeping my awareness poised in the moment. You will give me loving confirmation of the divine, sacred fruit through sensing, signs, and signals. You will assist me in finding balance in the shifts of perception that emerge from the activation of these sacred seeds. You will support me in assimilating new energies and frequencies within the sacred monolith, the beacon of self. You will help me build the confidence to stand in the fullness of your light. Together we will plant a beautiful garden, nourished by my desire for reunion. You will hold me close within your protective robes of light until you see the strength of the rainbow warrior emerging. You will steady my outreaching hands until you are sure remembrance is truly mine, I have heard the strains of the sacred song that celebrates your beauty and power. Then you shall open your arms to release me, in harmonious passage keyed, to soar through your gates, newly charged with the remembrance of my unfolding purpose in the cosmic play of light.Muluc is the cosmic seed of awakened awareness. I will consume it like a fruit, and let it blossom within me. I am on the quest of self-remembrance, of Godseed. If I work with the energy of Muluc with clear awareness and attention, an awakened state of remembrance will naturally blossom within me. In the star glyph of Muluc, the protective sheath around the monolith is like arms reaching out to receive divine guidance. I am the fulfillment of awakening, the Godseed. I’ve opened my arms to receive clear and direct access to the guidance I seek. As I open to self remembering, I am becoming a beacon and receiver for cosmic consciousness. I am a Godseed of awakened awareness, symbolized through the recurrence of the great cycles. An example of such is the recurrence of Master teachers to help awaken human beings on earth, Nine is the number for Quetzalcoatl, Buddha, and Christ. Muluc is a symbol for great teachers who have come to translate universal wisdom to humanity, to embody the awakened state of consciousness that is accessible to all. Such teachers serve as a connection to the Divine. I AM MULUC SATORI GODSEED THE RAINBOW WARRIOR!