Member Since: 5/14/2006
Band Website: yer lookin at it cheeseball
Band Members: "Ramblin'" Rhys guitar vocal; Grelum bass; Angelsquid keys claves vocal cow bell egg fire spinning costume dance; ro ro is still deciding on her subs; Frank on soulophone; Duke Ollie is King Cajon; Richard on Critical Harp
Influences: Rhys - Cage, Cale, Camus, Can, Captain Beefheart, Caravaggio, Cash, Celan, Chatwin, Clash, Curtis, Cutler ------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------Grelum - The Alexander Brothers, The Crankies, The Marlettes, The Tartan Lads, Sidney Devine (I’d like to thank.... blah blah) ------------------------------------------------------------
------------- Angelsquid has run away to the circus
Sounds Like: i popped in to hear you for 3 minsI was too taken aback to heckle
In the dim light of the concert hall you had a Peter Sellers expression and a look of determination only seen on islamic suicidal videos and Duke Of Edinborough award scheme winnersYou were in the middle of a zapperesque mouth solo interspersed by Jack Bruce's bass fandango sliding and a twanging in a glaswegian drunken kerfuffle
Your tribute to Russ Abbott was a success methinksThe sheer fecundity of your musical delicastessen has left a scottish/welsh strawberry mousse overload in my inner sanctum which has not been penetrated since the Bay City Rollers hung up their tartan and threw Richie Manic off the seven bridge
Bye Bye Baby
Record Label: jam jar
Type of Label: None