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Nth Degree


About Me

Creator of a diverse and unique array of electronic music, Nth Degree(aka Michael Barker) is not about fitting into
the latest styles or genres. But, with roots firmly grounded in theeighties and nineties, this solo artist
does have adistinct, synthetic sound...and an occasional experimental track thatis hard to define.
Inspired by a wide range of artists, Nth Degree grew up feelingrestricted and frustrated by rigid tuition in piano
andelectric guitar. But a four track tape machine changed his appreciationfor music, unleashing his creative energies.
Impressed by the machine's multi-layering capacities, he quickly becameaddicted to the recording process. He began
torecord instrumental electric guitar music and jams with his bass-guitarplaying mate. But later he progressed to a PC
and settled on composing and recording electronic instruments.
Nth Degree is a self produced artist taking on the duties ofcomposition, mixing and mastering. He is currently
unsignedbut has more than enough material for a full length release. In thepast his music has been used on web
sites, multimediacd roms and he has mastered other artist's material.
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Member Since: 5/14/2006