Prön Flåvürdik is at first an instrumental trio (guitar, keyboard, drums). Created in May 2004 by members of the bands Burn Hollywood Burn and Buckaroo Banzai.
Inspired by various musical currents passed or present, like 70's rock'n'roll (King Crimson, Soft Machine…), repetitive/minimalism (Steve Reich, Pharaoh Overlord…), drone/doom (Sunn O))), Boris, Earth…), or improvised music (John Zorn, Naked City…), the musicians always enjoy to compose in liberty and to confront themselves
with different universes.
This explains why after having recorded a self-produced demo Teaser n°1 (sold to a hundred specimens), the trio played on stage with groups of various backgrounds such as: Monno (Berlin, Conspiracy), Polmo Polpo (Canada, Constellation records), Enablers (USA, Neurot recordings), Oui monsieur…! (improvised musics, Paris, France); and some groups of Rouen's scene : Nina Bobsing, Alaska Pipeline, Molah… The trio also performed two live artistic video performances in April and
June 2006, with the pastician/video-artist Pauline Bastard.
More and more influenced by improvised music (John Zorn, Marc Ribot, Ikue Mori…) or extreme music (Melvins, Sunn O))), Earth…) and also wishing to widen its language like its sound potential, the trio became a quintet, adding two jazz musicians, a saxophonist and a soubassophonist.
The five musicians then composed a fifty minutes long single title: BLÅCK SHÅBBÄTH, where are mixed improvisation and writing, unitones sound volumes and purified melodies.
Long, heavy and repetitive parts are confronted with improvised and psychedelic fragments. This composition is a musical experiment, where measures are stretched or retracted with the liking of the moment, and where the communication between musicians is more important than the interpretation or the execution of a written partition, in order to privilege the spontaneousness and the thrilling risk of the
improvised musics.
Showcased for the first time as an improvised performance in april 2006 at L'Oreille qui traine (Rouen, France), this composition was finally recorded between December 2006 and March 2007.
The band is actually looking for a distributor/label, and is also seeking for dates. If you are interested, contact us!!!Try
[email protected]
If you want to download our bio, click here: in english or in french
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