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You could age so quickly in a year of judges...

About Me

Firstly, and most likely not very importantly, I have very little computer time these days... so replies to messages have been (and will probably continue to be) rather scarce for a while. Keep this in mind if you are beginning to wonder if I hate you.
Secondly... Uh, sorry, I don't believe I had a second point.

I'm boring. You'd most likely be better off elsewhere anyway... Unless you prefer to be bored. I make excuses, mostly to myself. I am incompetent at living. I'm a little awkward, easily distracted, and continuously frustrated by my lack of knowledge.

I'm unable to talk to bunnies unless they are my friend, and bunny's friend restrictions are strict.

My Interests

Vintage clothing, eBay, candy cigarettes, silent films, antique shops and flea markets, the little attic windows in old victorian houses, ice cream, my cats, Gris Grimly, Chéri Hérouard, Gerda Wegener, Harry Clarke, Edward Gorey, cotton candy, reading, Eddie Izzard, pomegranates, La Vie Parisenne magazines up until the 30s, Unico and the Island of Magic, procrastinating, photographs by George Hurrell, Victor Horta, and listening to music... In no particular order...

I'd like to meet:

Myself. I forget who I am.

Other than that?
Hmmm... Got a time machine?


Oh, dear... On a regular basis? *checks iTunes*The Damned, Stiffs Inc., The Phantom Chords, Umbrella Brigade, Beaut, David Bowie, Captain Sensible, Marc Bolan, Creature Feature, The Epoxies, Buddy Holly, Voltaire, Stolen Babies, Naz Nomad and the Nighmares, Dead Men Walking, Lee Press-on and the Nails, Dresden Dolls, Oingo Boingo, Deadbolt...


Erg... What a tough one. Let's go by actor instead, shall we? Conrad Veidt, Lon Chaney Sr., Buster Keaton, Louise Brooks, Udo Kier, Claude Rains, Christopher Walken, Charlie Chaplin, Bette Davis, Vincent Price, Charles Boyer.....


House M.D., almost ANYTHING on TCM, The Riches, The Young Ones, Blackadder, The New Statesman, Antiques Roadshow..


Not nearly as much as I'd like to have read...


Though nothing will keep us together, We could steal time, just for one day...