Performer of any kind especially ritualistic body mod, photographer, designer, stylist.. People who tell inappropriate jokes.. + Pervert of birth +
+Black Fucking Metal+ Cold Void Impaled Nazarene Taake Koldbrann Black Funeral Vargsriket Isafjord Nokturnal Mortum Sargeist Carpathian Forest Grimm Belphegor Abyssic Hate Cirith Gorgor Blackflame Burzum Darkthrone Graveland Kult Ov Azazel Sakahiter Xasthur Windir Nargaroth Anaal Nathrakh 1349 Vreid Bloodsrit Horna Behexen Pest Bathory Isengard Negura Bunget Hatepulse Blodulv Kohort Hellhammer Krieg Disiplin Gorgoroth Falkenbach Mortuary Drape Thy Primordial Besatt Nazgul Nattefrost Graveland Nargaroth Thyrane Nordafrost Nachtmystium Forlorn Gehenna Bloodbath Orcustus Emperor Ljaa Vintersorg Menhir ecc..
Horror - Splatter - Snuff - Lesbo Hardcore