Wee Pidgey™ profile picture

Wee Pidgey™


About Me

Laughter is the best cure for anything - YouTube video clips are the way to go!
I laugh at stupid things just cos they tickle me.
If you hate me or do something to piss me off, I'll probably hold a grudge for ages... or ever!
So take your cold cold heart and drown, and don't forget to take deep breaths.
I'm not a Pokemon fan, but I named my car Pikachu because it's cute, wee and yellow and I LOVE it.
I've got four wheels that say, "I'm not alone tonight." I'm always looking for a joyride through the brightest part of this town.
My friends mean the world to me and they're the only one who accept me and my banter for what it is - RANDOM!
This time we're not giving up - let's make it last forever.
I won't pretend I've been through lots of shit, but I've had to deal with some crap from people and it hit me quite hard. I find myself nearing depression sometimes and my confidence is fairly low, but I'm working on feeling better about myself.
Sometimes I feel so frail, so small - sometimes I feel vulnerable. Sometimes I feel a little fragile.
It's nice sometimes just to forget about the bad stuff - go on a drive and just let go and relax.
Did you ever feel sunlight on your face? Did you ever taste clouds? Did you ever touch space?
I spend ages looking for someone to be happy with and then I struggle to explain how I feel when I find them, and I ruin things before they even happen.
It's as if you've come along too soon and I'm trying to fit you in but I can't seem to find the room.
If there's one thing in my life I am proud of, it's being Scottish.
My one wish in life: to relive my youth.
I cannot wait 'til Xmas this year - I started feeling festive really early this year, which is strange because I didn't want Summer to end either!
I might go to the cathouse a lot, but that doesn't mean I have to confine my musical taste to one genre thanksverymuch.
I've got a new found love for The Rocket Summer ! Never have I heard music so uplifting and able to make me smile so much!
I'm always determined to find one song by a band that I like. I never write anyone off completely.
P.S. I love this photo and it pretty much sums up what I love about Glasgow. The fact that you can JUST see the Catty at the right hand side is awesome. I love Glasgow hunners!

My Interests

I quote hunners of stuff.


Age is an illusion!

Don't take me too seriously mate!
(Y) Badges
Jolly Ranchers
Drunken banter innit
Random behaviour
Buttered rolls
Kimbo touchin' ma subway
Bebo drawings, especially by Jodie
Subway Melts
Free goodies!!!!!
Choc chip muffins!
(N) Myspace couple photos!
Russell Brand
High School Musical - CRINGE!!
Bert McCracken
People who sing too loud at gigs!!
Cheap cover versions
The [non-existant] word "jamp"
Biffy Clyro
Saying "tb" in texts!
Tequila & absinthe
Mixed signals
"Take away only" in BK after Catty
Private profiles

I'd like to meet:

Great TV legends, like Alf Stewart, Harold Bishop and Wee Tom from Hollyoaks - wouldn't you just gee that wee dude a high five?

I'd like to meet the laughing lady from the MSN winks. She seems like a right leg-end who knows how to have a ROFL.

Anyone who knows how to have a drunken bantered RIOT!

Oh, & anyone from my friends list.





Banter The dictionary of Roboscott™ :
amigo: -noun (fact: only two of these exist) one of my closest friends ever.
banter: -noun a requirement for survival – good chat.
bas!: -noun someone who has just acted outrageously or surprisingly.
club base: -noun another version of “bas!” but made to confuse the simpletons.
comment schnana?: -pronoun (also known as “conment schnala?”) a question which poses no answer.
dranter: -noun drunken random banter. all in one.
eelpot: -noun a place of residence for something I decide on randomly.
el: -def. art. a short phrase added onto words for emphasis. the word that follows it is usually accompanied by an “o” at the end, like “el retardo.”
ffs: -abbr. (also known as eff eff ess) short for “for fuck sake!”
foosty: -adj. very very smelly indeedio.
gash: -adj. something rank, much like jade goody – distasteful.
gc!: -noun (previously known as gran canaria) a place where I enjoyed the best week of my life.
hawww!: -interj. a phrase used by the darkest of mankind – the chav. also used by all but the chav as a piss-take of their kind.
jyobi: -noun poo.
kate nash: -adj. (rhyming slang) gash.
larga: -idiom a word with no actual meaning.
largaville: -noun a place for the pyt (see below) to visit for secret pigeon business.
lawl: -verb (also known as “lol”) a piss-take of the messenger phrase meaning to laugh.
leg---end: -noun (often spelled with more or less dashes) a legend.
pidgeot: -noun an idiot pigeon, derived from pidgeotto, the pokemon.
pigeon: -noun any fellow human being of interest, good or bad.
prawn: -noun a reference for managers who aren’t worth calling pigeons.
pure goff: -noun something that people who aren’t goths get called, because neds are stupit.
pyt: -abbr. the pigeon young team, also known as the pigeon posse.
r’tard: -noun a retard.
randandoo: -adj. (also known as “randandon”, “ran-dan-doo” or “ran-ran-doo”) something very random.
ranter: -noun the best random banter you can get.
scrunchie: -noun a garment worn but the girl in the chinese at garage – something you just shouldn’t wear. ever, but we reinvented it anyway.
shizzle: -noun stuff. shit.
size-13-foot: -noun a legend. if yr reading this, you might be one!
sloggin’: -verb to hit hard. apparently.
wtf: -abbr. (also known as w.t.f) short for “what the fuck?”
ya beast!: -noun ironic phrase about someone who has good qualities, unlike the actual beast.
yr: -pronoun short for “your”. like “yr maw!”
I am aware I'm a pure geek. fo sho'. =]
Pigeons Van aka Va Va Voom aka V-Unit - one of two bestest amigos in the world. I do hunners for you but it's cos I love you loads and you know team hardcore are guaranteed to bring the banter and cause a riot! Ya bas!
Donza aka Dippy - my other amigo. What can I say? This pigeon loves you fox and couldn't imagine having anyone else to fall asleep at gigs with haha!
Hayley, Vicki, Laura & Sam - the blonde crew! yr all awesome in yr own way, whether it's for accents, offensiveness, being a jake or pure loveeeee. Couldn't imagine life without each of ya.
Kiki, Ashbash & Alayna - all ex-Matalaners and three of the nicest, bubbliest people I'll ever meet in my life.
Lesley aka Kaitlin - your mum is a big slut! at the Catty but that doesn't matter cos we're all sexy pigeons who think hair dye and cinema stalking is banterrific! Coooooo all the way home
Julia - farting chairs and talking about smelly liars from the past really says it all. You're a great person and I'm glad yr one of my top mates!
Jodie & Chris - both you guys are bloody awesome. Sometimes I feel like Jodie and I understand each other and we have the most random fun, with pampons, tic-tac shaking and smigarettes [with the help of Katie!] and Chris is just a really friendly guy with such an awesome CD collection haha! You guys are great to be around and we always have awesome nights.
Lauren aka Laurenzo - Aaron Gillespie ayeeeee? Haha hardly known you for long but yr a top girl and drunken banter is the best!
Ali - I totally get what you mean when yr drunk although I'm sure I'm a nightmare to understand but you were there for me a couple of times when I felt shit and I know that if we're both ever out, there's a chance you'll look out for me!
Kelie, Laura, Emma & SJ - you guys are the best teeny wee drunkards to meet cos you give great hugs and sexy dances! And Kelie, you flamin' galah - CALL ON THE SEARCH!
Stevo, Mark, Ruth, Lou & crew - GC was a riot and since then meeting all yr other mates have been wicked. More drunken nights ahead much? BANTER!
Erica, Lynds & other associated Matalaners - you lot always make work nights out legendary! Even though work is pure baws we'll always have a pure laugh, since you know I like laughing like a total drunken maddie!
Kirsten aka Kiiks - my fellow JRTYTID pal! Size 13 leg---end you are to me - pure miss you now yr in the Deen but the ace txt messages and Bebobanter will live on!
SHABBA! Jus a song bout tampons, right? LYT in yer scheme haha we are guaranteed to have a pure riot when we're out, since we go way back haha! Love yi!
Dez & Fidan - out from my way haha we live on the edge of "town" haha and we're the coolest ones who survive the 9 right til the end. BOOZE CRUISE??
Kimbo - my ping pong twinny!! We pure rock the dancefloor and love the banter ranter. Arrrrrrr matey!
Nikki - MAAAAAAAAAAATE! Getting me wasted with vodka and jager shots - it's no good ;P haha love yi pal.
Joni & Vaza - hardly see you guys these days but I'll never forget all the times we had out at Catty and stuff. Love yeez.
Everyone else - legends I tell ye! without you guys I wouldn't be as happy as I am with my [social] life so thanks and many more banterful outings to come, right?! xx


Kate Nash
Missy Elliott
Alf Stewart
Dallas Green
The Fall Of Troy
Drew Barryomore
Wee Tom from Hollyoaks
The guy that invented Post-Its
My homies (H)

My Blog


I always go on a night out feeling really positive about it and then when it's over I end up feeling a bit miserable about certain aspects and it's heavy kate mate. The thing is I tell myself that I d...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 06:09:00 PST

Gig List

There's a few missed out though, 'cos I've lost tickets and stuff and I've been to loads in Crowbar and stuff. Also seen a few gigs in Soundhaus and stuff, like Rise With The Fallen and other local ba...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:27:00 PST

Lonely in a popular world.

It's almost time for exams at uni and college. Everyone seems quite stressed out, which is fair enough. I sort of miss all that panic. I hated studying but I liked the fact that my life related to so ...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:02:00 PST

I mostly copy other people

Just pondering on life the now really. Lately been feeling a bit iffy and it's because of a lot of stuff, so if I'm less chatty or depressed sounding/looking then it's 'cos I have a lot on my mind. I ...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:39:00 PST

jenni's artwork

  I had to delete the comment cos it was making my other comments go wonky, but the photo deserves a blog of it's own! yassss! xx...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:48:00 PST

post dedicated to donza!

this blog is for donza and only donza. 2007 will be donza's year. all focuses will be on making the most of what we all have to offer (money-wise, alcohol-wise, transport-wise, gift-wise etc.) an...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:26:00 PST


blogs are shite they just delete all yr pics arhghdfgioadfilgjiodfaiojdfg
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:17:00 PST


it seems I'm upsetting more people being sober than I do when I'm drunk. the only person that gets annoyed when I'm drunk is me, because I do really stupid things that people think are funny, but...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:45:00 PST

El retardo

I have no idea.I'>Steve, me (complete with gay Orange Reef) & Iain in Varsova.Steve'>Donza & I looking cheery & tanned!Donza'>Ultimate spazirimo!Ultimate'>"Look at my arse, look at my arse...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 03:08:00 PST

GC Crew Photos Part 2

Hahaha well you've seen the mobile photos (previous post) so here's a lenghty photo collection from the digital cam of Gran Canaria 06 woohooo!!!!! =] More views from the balcony! Van bright and early...
Posted by Wee Pidgey™ on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:36:00 PST