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rev. scott


About Me

and this:

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and this.
here's a great video of an economically and residentially challenged man going off at me and the security guard at the t-mobile store at the corner of mack and woodward in detroit. i was attempting to pack up a carpet cleaning truck as this man asked me for pocket change of various (and strangely, increasing)denominations four seperate times in twenty minutes, growing more beligerant and angrier every time i told him i didn't have any and might he notice please that i was sort of busy busting my ass to get the store clean at the moment. i really didn't have any -it was thursday, the day before payday - and there wasn't any in the truck so there was nothing i could do for him. he then informed me that i was being racist - something which i was not aware of at the time and hadn't really planned on for the day- and started spouting gibberish at a furious pace. that's me in the background, i can't really make out or remember what i was saying but the man's tirade is first about me and how he routinely helps people "like me" and then about the armed security guard. a dutiful t-mobile employee got it on a camera phone and posted it...

My Interests

my bands
your bands
mid-century mod and
space age furniture
early 20th. century culture
music theory

I'd like to meet:

- lenny bruce, bill hicks, david cross and groucho marx,
- r.d. laing, martin seligman, harry harlow and carl jung,
- vonnegut, heller, thompson, mailer and salinger,
- noam chomsky and howard zinn,
- audrey horne, dana scully and claire fisher. elliot from 'scrubs' and jane mansfield's daughter from law & order SVU...
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lamar latrell and thr tri-llams,


Jane's Addiction, 1988, St. Andrews Hall, Detroit

the Casket Bastards!


The Slats,

joiya is my favorite band



Food Network. Wonder Showzen. You Bet Your Life.



"confessions of a record producer" by moses avalon. at least one member of your band should pick up this book right away. if you do not, you are foolish...


"I feel lucky that I have never had to pick up a guitar or bass and play something I didn’t want to play. I never wanted to be a musician, I just wanted to play music-my own music. I’d rather work a job and play music. I like the grounding of having a job. People who play music to try to get somewhere should get a life, a job, and leave listeners alone." - Greg Ginn

My Blog

zen and Crass

i've had a pretty serious binge going for about a month where i've been either reading about zen buddhism and associated concepts or listening to CRASS.i've found that this paticular mix, if taken wit...
Posted by rev. scott on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 01:25:00 PST