Playing My guitars,Videogames,TV,Cartoons, Listening to Opie and Anthony on High Volatage 202 Xm Satilite Radio, and Saving Lives
My ideal match is a women who knows what she wants out of life. One who is goal oriented,educated,and willing to fight for what's worth fighting for. Some one who is not controlling, but at the same time understand a relationship is 50-50 and works both ways. Understands that my job is my life and I will not give it up for her. I want a women who will cuddle with me and hold me when I'm upset and be my shoulder to cry on as I can be hers. I also want a women who I can have fun with who is like my best friend but more. Some one who I can call out of nowhere just to say hi and to hear her voice and just to tell her I love her to make her day. I want a women who I can have a relationship with that's based on love honor trust and communication not solely on sex. A women who is passionate and affectionate and who I can call my girl and scream from rooftops that I love her and go to bed every night knowing when i wake up there will be some sort of cute voicemail or txt message from her or me leaving her one so that we both have our days start off perfect. I want the women who I can spend the rest of my life with and love until the day that I die.
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Disturbed,My chemical Romance, Iorn Madien, Black Sabbath, Green Day, Linkin Park,Lynard Skynard,Ac/Dc,Bill Joel,Bon Jovi, Metallica,Van Hallen, Def Leppord. And many many more.
The Warriors,Back to the Future trilogy,Matrix Trilogy, Evil Dead Trilogy, Star Wars Trilogys. Boondock Saints, Die Hard Trilogy, Resevoir Dogs, Sin City, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, V for Vendetta, Lord Of War, Team America, Dawn of the dead, Land of the Dead, and much much more
Sopranos, 6 feet under, west wing, simpsons, family guy, american dad, numbers, Csi NY, Danny Phantom, Farily odd parents, Dead like me, Greys Anatomy, Law and Order Svu,Rescue Me,The 4400, Monday Night Raw, ECW, Monk.And shepherds we shall be, for Thee my Lord, for Thee.Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be.In Nomime Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctis
Harry Potter Series, Da Vinchi Code, and any thing by Tom Clancy
The Brave Members of the NYPD FDNY and EMS and all those who gave there lives on 9/11 to save those who needed it and any one who like me will run towards danger while others flee.EMT PrayerLORD,Grant me the wisdom so that I may treat those of your children that lay at my feet. Let my hands be gentle, sure and swift to impart to them your sacred gift.Let me see only a patient's need not their color, race or creed. Help me always to be my best even when it's on my hours rest.Grant me the insight to understand why patients of mine are going to die. Let me remember that when they do there is a wonderful life in Heaven with You.Lord, if in the time of duty I should fall help my family to hold their heads tall. For it was You who decided that I should be one of your chosen few, an EMT.