Metal, Sex, Sport bikes, Drums, Bass, Guitar, Tatoos, Food, and General Philosophy
Necro kvlt Black Metalers, Drummers, Bassist, Guitarist, Bikers, and good Tatoo Artist.
Emperror, Dark throne, Mayhem, Immortal, Cradle of Filth, Carpathian Forest, Goatwhore, Vardoger, Drottnar, Lengsel, Winds, Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Marduk, Finntroll, Cellebratum, Lymbonic Art, Zyklon, Forest of the Impailled, Hellhammer, Ensiferum, Cythonic, Enslaved, Marduk, Xathur, Leviathan, Celtic Frost, Tyr, Turissas, Sletchvaulk, Frost Like Ashes, Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir, Enthroned, Evroklidon, Anerexia Nervosa, Hypocrisy, Horde, Frosthardr, Abigail Williams, Satyricon, Antestor, Cerimonial Sacred, Devotam, Sorrowstorm, and numerous other Black Metal bands
Lord of the rings, Waynes World, Killadelphia, Saw,and a plethora of other films
Adult swim, simpsons,headbangers ball anything that curently amusses me or strikes my fancy.
Lord of the rings, Guitar world, Modern drummer, most music related literature, and a shit ton of porn
Your' Mom, Bill Dickens, Tim Ludwig, Vortex{Dimmu Borgir}, Stew mac, Jon-robert Mjaland {Extol} Hellhammer"jan axel von blomberg" {Mayhem/Dimmu Borgir}, Terry Bozzio, Tony Larauno, John Longstreth{Dim Mak/Origin}, Nicholas Barker{ex Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth}, Tryme{Emperor}, Frost{SATYRICON}, Horge{IMMORTAL}, David Husvik{EXTOL}, George Kollias{NILE}, Derek Roddy{EX HATE ETERNAL}, Adrian Erlandson {EX CRADLE OF FILTH}, Daniel Erlandson{ARCH ENEMY},and a whole slew of other drummers and bassissist.