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♥Captain Crash, and the Beauty Queen From Mars...♥

About Me

" If you want my opinion... We are heterosexual by nature, not because of our own free will, it depends on what you like, it's all a question of aesthetics,doesn't have a shit to do with morality.. "

I'm PISCES!!! So you are not gonna put my feet on earth

Share a toothpick, trading lipstick Watching traffic for days at the diner Holding hands, making big plans Playing Superman, he was wearing eyeliner Another local legend and his longtime lucky charmCAPTAIN CRASH N' THE BEAUTY QUEEN FROM MARS MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator a

My Interests

Nature, Tattoos and Piercings, Astronomy, Astrology, Biology, Science, Art,Photography, s XIX, Motorbikes and Motorbikers, Women, Men, Bubbles, Stars, Venus y Pluton, Peter Pan (he's hot), I Love Wendy and her Fuckin blonde curlz, Tinkerbell and her big ass, Butterflies, Fairies, Marmaids and Pirates, Wine, Hairspray, I love FREEDOM and I love Rain in a fuckin suny day ... and I love my COLD and EMPTY place ...♥ MIMAS ♥

I'd like to meet:



ROCK N ROLL & Cristina D'Avena

Punk Sleaze Heavy&Thrash Metal

But I use to listen all kind of music, I think that every moment has it own song, if you don like it... FUCK IT!

Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, Hanoi Rocks, Towers Of London,Buckcherry, The Erotics, The Lizzies,Alleycat Scratch, New York Dolls, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Generation X, Billy Idol, The Black Halos, Cock Sparrer, Bon Jovi, Shooter Jennings, Skid Row, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Blind Guardian, Anthrax, Sepultura, Motorhead, Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones,Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Nirvana, Amaral.. n' much more.

There's nothing wrong with me There's something wrong with you Wrong with you and me When we're crying for our next fixThis cocaine makes me feel I'm on this song


Zabriskie Point, The Shawshank Redemption (Cadena Perpetua), Frequency, French Kiss, Airheads (Cabezas Huecas), Detroit Rock City (Cero en conducta), Banger Sisters (Amigas a la fuerza)


The Walt Disney's Yonkie !



I hate TV! But Gigio is forever..


"Si no hubiera agua... Si las cuencas oceánicas se vaciaran, sólo por un mes, una semana, o incluso un día... Entonces podríamos situarnos como Vasco Núñez de Balboa en la cima de una montaña panameña, o mejor aún, en el borde de la plataforma continental, allí donde realmente termina la tierra, y ver un verdadero Nuevo Mundo donde el español sólo vió el monótono Pacífico. Podríamos volar a baja altura sobre la ruta que siguió Colón, maravillándonos ante todo lo que pasó por encima sin saberlo. Siguiendo su ruta a pie, podríamos caminar a través de algunas de las llanuras más planas y extensas de la Tierra, y escalar sus cordilleras más jóvenes y más escarpadas, y descender a sus valles más profundos. Cuando observáramos nuestro planeta desde el espacio podríamos, finalmente, verlo entero."


Who wants to live forever

My Blog

PB Presents.. Too young to be Bored... Make Up your fuckin nites! Sheila's Birthday

3...2...1... GO!!!!!!!! we start partie NOW with our make up........ OHSHIT!!!! what the hell issssss  ,,,,,,,,, my face?? I like that xD AnD playboy presents.... Too Young to be Bored!!! R...
Posted by mimas on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:18:00 PST

White Lion Rocks, And we too...

Yeah, Annie Michaels of SHOTGUN in the stage.. And heres White Lion Supernenas and Mike Tram's drummer, Troy With Annie Michaels! Of SHOTGUN With the band Shotgun Again Petalo, Bubble ...
Posted by mimas on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:11:00 PST

Live Fast, Die Young, Welcome to the Fuckin** Party!!! (Halloween)

    My babe stars Party!   Sheila, Celia and Me at Playboys Richie and meeee ! Celia, PlayBoys' Hairdresser Yes... Blame it on the bottlessssss...... .. Ohhhh shit!!!!! suck hon...
Posted by mimas on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 02:28:00 PST

We we're young and wild and free !

Ready for the partieee?? Yeah!!!!!!!! we wanna rock n roll all nite long Still kickin ! Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars Piensa en verde.... HEINEKEN Babie... I Love U Sooooooo Much ...
Posted by mimas on Tue, 16 May 2006 12:17:00 PST

The Black Halos 10 / 04 / 2006 Apolo Barcelona

Posted by mimas on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:47:00 PST

Adler's Appetite 2004, 2005, 2006

Adler's Appetite 23/01/2004 BIKINI           After the Shoe with the Band   Adler's Appetite 23/01/2005 Razzmatazz II (Keri N Vexie, after the show)   Adler'...
Posted by mimas on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:24:00 PST