About Me
Decadent Daughters Black & Blue
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When I realized that my life was about art, about music, I promised myself that I won’t play in any band, other than my favourite one.
Our story is a story of sacrifice, hard work, surrealism, fun, pain, difficult decisions, parental frustration and sometimes, a story of hell.
Many years have passed and I came up with this concept after flirting with sleaze and punk for a long time… credit is not mine, this wouldn’t have been possible without the guys, each one of us has a big role in this band, every member is as important as the rest in this band. DD’s is the result of a mature creative process from the mind and hands of a bunch of kids. This new shit has an eye on the past and the other looking to the future.
Decadent Daughters is the band you don’t expect… or maybe it’s the band you were waiting for. We got no labels… maybe we have the Visual/Punk/Rock tags, but they are only tags. And maybe they are the best words to accurately describe us. We're maybe a mix of the old school punk bands and the new stuff coming from Japan. Call us the way you like, but we are a rock n roll band, if you are smart enough, you will notice that.
Although many could say we aim for the media, we are into modern stuff… we are in it for the money… we only try to make a fashion statement… bla, bla, bla. I can only say that I’m doing my best… and I’m not going to make a two-bit boring over-recycled shit band just to feel „true†(such a cheap word for our present times). First, we dont give a fuck about that... and second, we LOVE what we are doing. So, we’ll be lucky if we can earn money doing what we truly care for. We are not copying Motley Crue, we are not copying Rancid, we are not copying anybody, out of respect and out of originality and self-esteem as artists, that’s poor and cheap, and lacks interest for us, and nobody loves those bands more than us.
Honestly, we don’t care about nothing but making the best music and the best band we possibly can. This is not arrogance. This is hope and trust in what we do. Perfection is masturbation, you know… we are not perfect, but this is what makes us wake up everyday. I’m sure you have something like that, and I bet you care a lot about it… and if you don’t, then stop reading this and find the one thing that makes you act like a little boy on Christmas Eve day by day.
We didn’t decide to become the next big thing… we just decided that by all means we won’t be crap. For us, this band is Neverland.
So, as artists we bring you this breed… as punks we’re here to have fun.
Because everything loses it’s meaning when it stops being funny, at least to us.
So you know who we are, love us, hate us.
It’s up to you.
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