Theatre, Film (particularly those from the 30s and 40s), Comedy, Travel, Languages, Foreign Literature (particularly Austrian & German literature), History, 80s soul music, food
80s soul music, blues, Frank Sinatra, Scottish folk music
In particular films from the 30s and 40s - e.g. Casablanca, Bringing up Baby, anything involving Billy Wilder, Frtiz Lang, Ernst Lubitsch, foreign films (partiuclarly anything witih Daniel Auteuil), Ealing comedies, quirkly films like The Station Agent
Good drama such as State of Play, Sex Traffic, old comedies like Porridge and Dad's Army, old cop shows like The Sweeney and The Professionals and of course Neighbours!
The Master and Marguerita, The Third Man, Great Expectations, Homo Faber, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Radetzlymarsch, Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk, 1984, Animal Farm, We, Brave New World, Quiet flows the Don, Harry Potter, The House of Spirits, Nicholas Nickelby, Angst, Schachnovelle , Envy
As a London Scot, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce of course as well as Hans & Sophie Scholl, Pastor Martin Niemöller, Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Dr Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela