Ramone-a-thon was started in Brisbane, Australia in 2000 by Adam and Tim. The first one was pretty much going to be the only one but it was accepted with such enthusiasm that another was organized the following year, making it a now annual event. It now sells out venues and is one of the most anticipated festivals/parties on the Brisbane music calander.
Bands from all over the world now make the pilgrimage to pay homage to the greatest band who will ever walk this earth.
All profits from Ramoneathon are donated to charity and all people who work for/at Ramone-a-thon including the local bands do so for free.
This years 'Thon is sponsored by Tym guitars, The Alibi room, GBH and Drum Cartel
Send me a message or e-mail me from here
Presented by Tym guitars...All profits are donated to charity.
Ramone-a-thon 2007. Two stages of Ramonesmania.
Saturday December 1st
Venue : The Step Inn (The Shamrock)
corner of Brunswick Street & St. Pauls Terrace
(186 Brunswick Street. Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. 4006)
Tickets $15 at the door only.
Doors at 12 midday.
11.50-12.30 - The Spazzys
10.50-11.20 - Roshambo
9.50-10.20 - Spod
8.50-9.20 - The Fancy Boys
7.50-8.20 - Black Level Embassy
6.50-7.20 - Killer Birds
5.50-6.20 - Nova Scotia
4.50-5.20 - The Stabs
4.00-4.20 – The 10-4's
3.20-3.40 - Stolen Bikes Ride Faster
2.40-3.00 - One shot Salute
2.00-2.20 - Team Dickhead
1.20-1.40 - Hits
12.40-1.00 - The Rousells
Stage two :
11.20-11.50 - The Ramonettes
10.20-10.50 - Shooting at Unarmed Men
9.20-9.50 – Turnpike
8.20-8.50 - Texas Tea
7.20-7.50 – Razorhurst
6.20-6.50 - Death Rides a Horse
5.20-5.50 - The Gels
4.20-4.50 - Del Toro
3.40-4.00 - The Boondal Boys
3.00-3.20 – Little Lovers
2.20-2.40 – The Dry Horors
1.40-2.00 - Suzy loves Dick
1.00-1.20 - The Sips
Ramone-a-thon 2006. Two nights of Ramonesmania.
Friday 10th November.
The Hard Ons (Sydney).
Hytest (wollongong).
Stereo City (Sydney).
Side Effects.
New Wave Hookers.
Saturday 11th November.
Guitar Wolf (Japan).
Mach Pelican (Melbourne).
Spencer P Jones (Melbourne).
The Fancy Boys (France).
Horror Tones.
Violent Soho.
Death Rides a Horse.
Butcher Birds.
The Colytons (Sydney).
Amphetish (Melbourne).
Little Lovers.
The Bombers.
Ramone-a-thon 2005.
The Queers (USA). Mach Pelican (Melbourne). The Self-Righteous Brothers (Sydney). Roshambo. Ramonettes (Adelaide). Sekiden. Death Rides a Horse. Yidcore (Melbourne). Gazoonga Attack. Eat Laser Scumbag. Vegas Kings. The Dangermen. Sin City (Melbourne). The Sips. Fat mans cleavage.
Ramone-a-thon 2004. Dedicated to Johnny Ramone.
Mach Pelican (Melbourne). The Spazzys (Melbourne). The Ramonettes (Adelaide). Roshambo. The Tremors. The Grates. The Marones (Newcastle). The Fancy Boys (France). Next stop rehab!. Mouthguard. Bad Day Down. Death rides a horse.
Ramone-a-thon 2003. Two stages of Ramonesmania
Groovie Ghoulies (USA). Mach Pelican (Melbourne). Roshambo. Fancy Boys. the Remedials (Melbourne). Sekiden. the Habits. Spazzys (Melbourne). Marones (Newcastle). The Seventeens. Draft Dodger. Vanlustbader. Caro And The Library Fines. The Slippery Roger MIDI Craptacular. 1981.
Ramone-a-thon 2002. Dedicated to Dee Dee Ramone.
Supersnazz (Japan). Mach Pelican (Melbourne). Roshambo. The Fightin' Amish. The Remedials (Melbourne). The Priks. Jacknife. Casio and the T bird. The Dangermen. The Throttle Zombies. Cody Lamo. Drug dealing transvestites. Feelin' Lucky.
Ramone-a-thon 2001. Dedicated to Joey Ramone.
Mach Pelican (Melbourne). Roshambo. Wiseacre. Screamfeeder. The Fightin' Amish. The Blood Idols. Dick Nasty. The B-sides. The Hymies. Dollar bar. Brentyn Rollason & his lusty lovers of lounge.
Ramone-a-thon 2000.
Annalise (UK). Abdoujaparov (UK). Standing 8-Counts. Roshambo. Dick Nasty. Scrumfeeder. Psychotic Lemmings. Community Cervix. Sekiden. Turnpike. Nice Wig Ted.