I'd like to meet:
"ALL THOSE IN THE FIGHT FOR SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION"_____________________________________________ _____________________________"REMOVING THE VEIL" (the book), By M. Quinn ~ http://www.lulu.com/content/286753__________________________ ________________________________________________NEWLY RELEASED BOOK - RECOMPENSE "A MATTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS", By M. Quinn http://www.lulu.com/content/3044703_________________________ ________________________________________________FIGHT THE SMEARS AGAINST BARACK OBAMA http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/fightthesmearshome/__ ____________________________________________________________ ___________
____________________________________________________________ __UPCOMING BOOK BY M. QUINN: http://www.myspace.com/a_matter_of_human_rights
“Quoteâ€It is only through the honest approach of seeking to ascertain who began the nefarious philosophy of racism, why it was implemented, and where this fiendish way of life began, can we begin to ameliorate the perilous cycle of racism in America and the world at large.- M. Quinn