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Never Too Old To Spank

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

.. ***Never Too Old To Spank*** was written in a small town in southwest, Connecticut. It contains ten entertainingly 'TRUE' stories of real young ladies who found out the hard way that they weren't too old to be spanked. The 30+ detailed illustrations are excellent and the many extras will have you laughing out loud as they strike a chord with anyone that grew up in the time when corporal punishment was the norm. Over ten years of work has gone in to bringing you these ten 'TRUE' to life, awkward and unforgettable spanking experiences. Most stories you read with this type of content are obviously made up from fantasy and imagination. If that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the book for you ............................................................ ......................................... **ERICA SCOTT** of **SHADOW LANE** & **SPANKING EPICS** fame had this to say about the book, "Everyone buy his book! I just got mine. It's awesome! My favorite story is the fireman one with the girlfriend who could have burned the house down. I liked the near-misses too. And the illustrations are darling."

My Interests

Spank, Spanked, Spankings, OTK, discipline, corporal punishment

I'd like to meet:

***Never Too Old To Spank*** is now available for only $9.99 ............................................................ .....................................SEE A SAMPLE HERE: http://www.lulu.com/browse/preview.php?fCID=406239 ............................................................ ......................BUY THE BOOK HERE: http://www.lulu.com/content/406239 ............................................................ ............................................................ ...................................... Also check out my calendar at: http://www.lulu.com/content/443873 ............................................................ ............................................................ ....................................... If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at: nvr2old2spnk@yahoo.com ............................................................ ...... Connecticut people are encouraged to email me.






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