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bend me over

About Me

I am 18 and I just moved away from home 8 months ago. I moved from the Pacific NorthWest to the Central United States. I have had a life long desire to be spanked. This is not something that I had ever really acted upon. I felt that my desires were somehow wrong and I was ashamed of them.I was never spanked as a child, not even once. I had many friends who were spanked growing up and the whole concept fascinated me (not to mention, turned me on). It was about when I was 12 or 13 that I was better able to pinpoint my fetish. I was at a friend's house, after school, listening to some tapes in her room. Out of nowhere her bedroom door flies open and her mom comes storming in carrying a large belt and a letter from school. The letter had to do with unexcused absences. It seems my friend had skipped a lot of school and this was the first her mom had heard of it. Her mom was raging, I mean she was actually red in the face. She yelled at the top of her lungs for a minute or so and then told my friend to bendover the bed. The girl tried to protest my presence, but her mom was not listening, she actually pushed her over the bed. I just sat on the floor, completely dumbfounded by what was going on.Her mom yanked down my friend's sweatpants and panties in one motion. The girl was still protesting me being there. Her mom folded this big leather belt in half and then started. I had previously talked to a few people about how they got spanked, but this was my first time to ever see an actual spanking. I was truly stunned by the severity. I had always pictured a spanking to be over someone's knee, getting a hand put to their bottom. I did not picture an out of control mom, swinging a belt as hard and as fast as she could. Her mom was swinging the belt out of control. She was lifting it into the air as fast as she could and swinging with all of her might. I am not just talking about swinging her arm, she was using her whole body. It took no time at all before my friend was crying hysterically. Several times she put a hand in front of her bottom, only to get it whipped with the belt. After a few shots to her arms and hands, she kept her hand out of the way. Her mom kept whipping her with this belt until I do not think she could do it anymore. I am not sure how many strokes she got, but it lasted more than 3 minutes.When she was done, she just stood there for a minute catching her breath. She then looked at me and told me it was time for me to go home. To this day I do not know if her mom caught her breath and kept going, or if that was the end of it. My friend was horrified that I got to see it and refused to talk about it. Actually, it took her almost a week to really even speak to me again, she was that embarrassed. All I know, was the thoughts that I had previously been confused about where much clearer. I liked spanking! Not just a little but a lot. As much pain as I saw my friend in and as bruised as I saw her legs and bottom get, I wanted to be the one getting the belt. From that day forward, my thoughts while I masturbated where always of being spanked. Even though I had pinpointed my fetish, I was still very embarrassed by it. How could I explain to someone that seeing my friend beaten with a belt was very arousing. Even harder, was to try and tell someone that I wanted to be the one beaten. Needless to say, I never discussed this with anyone. It remained in my head for many years. The closest I ever got to being spanked was taking a wooden spoon from the kitchen and spanking myself with it. Somehow, it was not the same.After many years of contemplating the whole concept of spanking, I realized why spanking myself was just not the same. It is not really the pain that excites me about a spanking, it is the submission. It is being told that you have to bend over and hold still while someone brings a lot of pain to you. It is being able to run away if you really wanted, but not doing so, due to the commanding presence of the person punishing you. It is taking everything you deserve, hating every minute of it, yet for some reason taking all of it. I did not just desire a spanking, I wanted to experience a real punishment. My parents were no help, a punishment in my house was being grounded from the phone, or TV, or not being able to leave the house. My school did not spank (actually at the time, I did not know any schools spanked). I was clueless that people actually pursue spankings as adults and for fun. Being that my parents did not spanked, I figured I would never get to know what a real punishment was about.All of this changed when I moved. Shortly after moving I moved in with a girl I had become good friends with. She was making some money doing some nude modeling and seemed to really enjoy it. One day she told me that she was going to have her own website. I asked about it and she told me it would be better to just wait and see it when it was finished. A couple months later, she told me it was complete and asked me if I wanted to see it. I told her I did and we went to the computer. She typed in the address and what appeared on the screen? I know I turned bright red when I saw it and my heart started beating a million miles per hour. You have to understand, I was new to the web and seen some adult sites, but never even considered that there were spanking sites. Now here was my roommate, on the screen with a bright red bottom. My heart was racing and my crotch was wet, I could not believe it.Of course, I had a million questions for her. She told me all about being spanked as a kid by her parents. Some of the stuff she told me made my friends spanking that I watched, seem gentle. It turns out her dad ran a church and was very strict. She told me about being swatted with a paddle until she stopped crying, Wow! Anyway, I asked her a lot about the people that spanked her. She told me everything about the spankings she took for her site. She even told me about a few spankings she received from these people that were a punishment for something she had done. I almost fainted. She said that they were really nice, but the spankings did hurt. I guess that she could tell by the way I was reacting that this was more than just a passing interest. She asked me what I thought about spanking and I spilled the beans. I told her about seeing my friend get the belt and how it had affected me. I told her that since that day I had a major desire to be spanked. We talked all night and had some drinks. She showed me all of her site as well as 100's of other spanking sites. I was blown away. I had been around a computer for several months and never realized that my ultimate fantasy was right here online.As the night progressed, she finally asked me if I wanted her to spank me. Already a little tipsy, I agreed. She told me to pull down my pants and panties and get over her lap. To be quite honest, before I ever got my panties down, my crotch was dripping wet. With my bottom bared, she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me over her knees. For the next 10-15 minutes she spanked my bottom with her hand. It was not all that hard, but it was my first experience, and it worked for me. When she was done, we went into the bathroom together and looked at my bottom in the mirror. I could not believe how red it was. I could feel my pulse beating in my bottom and in my crotch. It was unbelievable!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my new master