Alee Karim profile picture

Alee Karim

Alias is a show about a spy.

About Me

***LATEST: I have a new composition up on my page called, "I Got Lost In The Supermarket" performed by Shayna Dunkelman (vibraphones), Jordan Glenn (percussion), Jason Hoopes (contrabass), and Paul Scriver (Fender Rhodes piano). Please enjoy and WEAR HEADPHONES!!! It's a pretty quiet piece for the most part...***
So this profile is for presenting/announcing/fronting all the music that is not officially the doing of my main band, The Atomic Bomb Audition . Thus far, this includes my solo guitar stuff, a little band called Fake Traditionals (who play faithful renditions of classic Middle Eastern and Indian pieces that don't exist) and any other collaborations that come down the pike. Huzzah!!!
OK, here's the current non-ABA bands that I am VERY proud to be involved with:
Bassist for Mute Socialite (w/ Ava Mendoza on guitar, Shayna Dunkelman on drums, and Moe! Staiano on drums/percussion guitar). Post-punk splatter grind with lots of discordant (and cordant!) melodies and rhythmic chug-a-luggas. Mark Mothersbaugh and Kerry King join forces to interpret Captain Beefheart...
Bassist/guitarist for Efft (w/ Sarah Elena Palmer on guitar/vox and Noah Phillips on guitar). Really beautiful lush psychedelic folk band. Mellowest stuff ever but with trippy post-rock-esque textures. Hope Sandoval kicks heroin and hires My Bloody Valentine to play acoustic backup...
Guitarist for Holly Caust (w/ Norman Teale on electronics/etc. We are also sometimes Mari Caust when we perform with violinist Marielle Jakobsons). Neil Young dons corpse paint and channels Morricone through effects pedals...
Here's some footage of me playing bass with Damo Suzuki of CAN. Also with members of Grey Daturas and Oaxacan. This is about 1/20th of our set...

My Interests


Member Since: 5/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: often: Brian Gleeson, Norman Teale, Jason Hoopes, Ava Mendoza, Moe! Staiano, Shayna Dunkelman, Sarah Elena Palmer, Noah Phillips, Jordan Glenn
less often: Marielle Jakobsons, Jesse Quattro, Angela Hsu, Ivor Holloway, Suzanne Thorpe, Travis Johns, some people who don't go to Mills whose names escape me at the Jacob Felix Heule of Ettrick and Gowns!!! Phew...
...and of course, sometimes just me...
Influences: Something in the way of a comprehensive tally: Trey Spruance, Eyvind Kang, John Zorn, Supersilent, Ennio Morricone, Bernard Herrmann, David Lynch, Angelo Badalamenti, Ava Mendoza, Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Yes, King Crimson, Sleep, Bill Frisell, Pig Destroyer, Dave Webb, Stephen O'Malley, David Kenneth McEvoy Sparks, Jimmy Page, Autechre, Morbid Angel, Dylan Carlson, Trevor Dunn, Sir Richard Bishop, Efrim Menuck, Abe Cunningham, Tim Young, Alvarius B, Eric Dolphy, Charles Mingus, John Coltrane (pretty much all incarnations), Miles Davis (mostly electric groups), Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Muhamad Abdulwahab, Taraf de Haidouks, Fanfare Ciaocarlia, Melvins, Tool, Michael Patton, Jacob Felix Heule, Jordan Glenn, Shayna Dunkelman, Ava Mendoza, Brian Gleeson, Jason Hoopes, Moe! Staiano, Philip Greenlief, Sarah Palmer, Noah Phillips, Steini Gunnarson, Travis Johns, Jesse Quattro, Patrice Scanlon, Norman Teale, Justin Broadrick, Mr. John Fahey, Scott Walker, Jack Rose, Bohren und der Club of Gore, Brian Eno, Gyorgy Ligeti, Anton Webern, Bela Bartok, Morton Feldman, Feist, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, Carcass, Carl Stalling, Asva, Devo, Talking Heads...that'll do for now. This is actual influences (my own assessment) as opposed to simply everything I like.
Sounds Like:AND
Record Label: Me (so far...I would like to find a nice one)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Metal Apologist pt. 5 - Morbid Angel

Trey Azagthoth used to scare the shit out of me. As a young boy of 15, I came across an interview with Morbid Angel's guitarist and sonic visionary in one of the many guitar magazines I was inhaling a...
Posted by Alee Karim on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:24:00 PST

The Metal Apologist (pt. 4 - Carcass)

Well, being bored and wired at work are, I think, optimal conditions for posting a new Apologist. Today we harken back to the late 1980s, to ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:o...
Posted by Alee Karim on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:16:00 PST

The Metal Apologist (Pt. 3 - Meshuggah)

What do mathematics, the slow complex psychic evolution of humankind, and James Brown have in common? They find a nexus point in Sweden with the arcane metal band Meshuggah. Meshuggah are a REALLY goo...
Posted by Alee Karim on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:18:00 PST

Brutal!!! Bad ABA review...

From"Are you tired of listening to your rain forest sleep aid tapes at night? Are you trying to get off of sleeping pills or other drugs and still get a good night's rest? Well I hav...
Posted by Alee Karim on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:58:00 PST

The Metal Apologist (Pt. 2 - Pantera)

It seems like I'll be focusing on understanding the depth of lyrical content in otherwise dismissed bands. And I'm not alone in the case of this song. Before me, Kim Deal of the Breeders covered "Fuck...
Posted by Alee Karim on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST

Signal Flow

Signal Flow, the annual 3-day festival of graduate composers' works, will take place this February 22nd-25th at Mills College Concert Hall. Every concert is free. I mean, FREE!!! Seriously, how can yo...
Posted by Alee Karim on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 05:06:00 PST

The Metal Apologist (Pt. 1 - A National Acrobat)

So I've unofficially decided to be the biggest fucking dork ever and put up a (semi-)regular series of posts pertinent to exalting the best Metal that I've encountered and defending it from the dispar...
Posted by Alee Karim on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:08:00 PST

Red Barchetta

I'm such a fucking dork. I'm listening to "Moving Pictures" this morning for the first time in a while and I once again get choked up during "Red Barchetta". What is this song even about?'s ...
Posted by Alee Karim on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:38:00 PST

Track listing of "Satanism For Pussies"

So my album's called "Satanism For Pussies". I like this title despite the protests and bizarre reactions of many trusted confidantes. Here is the track listing: 1. Antechambers (FoS2) 2. Saloon of Ce...
Posted by Alee Karim on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 12:12:00 PST

Obligatory rules for adding

Not to be a snoot about it but please only request to add me if you know me or, if you're a stranger, genuinely interested in the music I'm doing here, whether you want to set up a gig, conduct some o...
Posted by Alee Karim on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 02:01:00 PST