Geting Money, Saveing the Children, Black Businees, Women
Jesus, 2 PAC, Dr. King Jr, Malcolm X Ministor Rico, Larry Hover, Jeff Ford, Walter Wee, Shakie Shawn, David Boxdale, Angelo,(is this how it was suppose to be and how do we restore order and law).............. ...........IN THE ABSENCE OF LAW THEIR IS CHOAS............Some of the Original Slaves who came over on the slave ships
Hood and Mob Movies no favort like them all some more than others but I don't have a favorite. I also like 80s movies like Warriers, The Last Dragon, Lean On Me, Breaking 1 and 2, .............etc
The Shield, Law and Order,
Dick Gregory's Callious On My Soul, The Coldest Winter Ever,The Bible,
My Mother