Discombobulating Palendromes Terror Forms into Purchased Drip and Wipe Away.
Teeth freed from lips. Eyes freed from sockets. Inevitable dooms. Arthur Craven.
Bela Bartok,Erik Satie,Phillip Glass and Robert Inhuman.
Hustle and Flow a.k.a. the artists manual of survival.
Frontline.McLaughlin Group.
Art and Anti-Art by Hans Richter, Complete works of William Blake, Complete works of T.S. Elliot, Anything by Wilfred Owen, @tlas press anything!,Songs of Maldoror by Lautreaumont, Alan Moores Watchmen,Erotism by Bataille, Almost anything Derrida,Tzara,Huelsenbeck,Ball,Lindsann,Panzeri,Lense,Bennet ,Sophocles or Fry.
Gustave Moreau, Goya, El Greco, Olchar Lindsann, Tristan Tzara, George Grosz, Hugo Ball, Casey Bradley, Erik Satie, Richard Hulsenbeck, Hans Richter, Viking Eggeling, Otto Dix, Christian Schad, Warren Fry, Captain Lunchpail, Marcel Duchamp, Balthus, Chris Tennant, Megan Blafas, Marcel Janco,Hans Arp, Max Ernst, James Ensor, Nick Lennard, Titian, Giovanni Bellini,Aaron Andrews, Dave Hartke Pontormo, Correggio, Andre Del Sarto, Velazquez,Giorgio Morandi, Hannah Hoch, Hans Bellmer, Michele Matteitz, Chi-Kit Kwong, Melissa Foster, Matthew Kinsey, The Dying Gaul.