creating crimials by act of congress, spice weasels, missing white woman syndrome, keith david, capitalist gang bangs, projectile vomiting, clementines, vaginas, being cryptic, church burnings, soy beans, laughing at you, budd dwyer, cultural plundering, funky walker dirty talker, jonestown, brain eating, tan lines, pizza, lemurs, the sporting life, mummery, balloon doggies, ancient sumaria, working girls, mirrored aviator glasses, whaling, payola, christine chubbuck, ancient samurai, marmite, wirehanger abortions, not sleeping on the floor, stickers, drug house paintings, scraping off the shiny layer of varnish that collects on girls' cheeks and foreheads in wedding basing that shit makes ice seem like ginger beer, photos taken with friends at random/specific locations, fresh huckleberries, warren jeffs, shams for fools, asparagus, blood doping, smoothies, kitty genovese, pomagranates, mig alley, skull fucking, coffee, ancient maya, art wrangling, brain freeze, me
is the best
agiere; wrath of god & freeway
let's turn it off together.
noboby can eat 50 eggs, book of the sub-genius, nugget, harper's