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About Me

Olchar Lindsann is a floating signifier tied by a string to the wrist of a young child. This young child has been hoisted (rather rudely) into the air, where he looks around him with a heady and ultimately useless mixture of exhileration and terror. This is how he knows he is a poet and an artist. The walls of the cavern tremble whenever they hear human voices; the membranes of rock vibrate minutely, and if one happens to have a stethoscope in the rear left-hand pocket of one's coat, one can listen to these vibrations (which are, needless to say, the voices of various gods- Maldoror, Mr. Antipyrine, Bosse-de-Nage, Alastor, and Grabinoulor, to name only a few) and one can draw one's own conclusions therefrom.Post-NeoAbsurdism is a kind of viscious prank pulled by cunning tribes of cannibalistic artists at the expense of the nobilty who live on wine and small pieces of cheese in their marble palaces marked: MUSEUM, GALLERY, or PUBLISHING HOUSE; which (while perfectly fitted for this domestic function, especially the latter, as the name suggests) double as places where great art is hung on a golden gibbet to squirm and die. Post-NeoAbsurdists, thirsty for the veins of sheep, often roam about the peripheries of these temples to the great Commerce-Gods, picking off the chosen if they stray too far from the vigilant eyes of their dealers, agents, and pimps.Olchar Lindsann has sharp teeth which grow inside his brain. He has an agile tongue which seethes with hatred for the financial chains of logic and good sense. Nonetheless he is, as I can assure you (dangling here between the earth and the sky as I am) quite charming, and if you happen to be a word, his throat especially is the paradigm of hospitality; his epiglottis might even, perhaps, be seductive.
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My Blog

Forthcoming from mOnocle-Lash

.Coming Soon from mOnocle-LashPeriodicalsSynapse 4Tentatively scheduled for July-Aug., A.Da. 91. Contributions accepted until mid-July at latest; later work will be held for Synapse 5. Sound Supplemen...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 18:20:00 GMT

mOnocle-Lash Products Available as of June A.Da. 91 (2007 Anti-Vulgar)

PeriodicalsSynapse 3Featuring David Beris Edwards, bela b. Grimm, Jessy Kendall, Olchar Lindsann, Jim Leftwich, Warren Fry, John M. Bennett, Thomas L. Taylor, Reed Altemus, Bradley Chriss, Scott MacLe...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 18:17:00 GMT

Cheating Art History: Strategies in the Fight Against Modernism

Cheating Art History:Strategies in the Fight Against ModernismWe are crunched against a wall, of this there is no denial; but the war against Modernism, though it is now a guerrilla war, is not yet lo...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 21:17:00 GMT

A Sentence

.The writer of this sentence loves Language too much to do other than render it, through various means - some syntactic, others through various manipulations in voice (a vague concept, which involves ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 23:20:00 GMT


If this works, I have discovered how to post images, and can therefore present some poems in their proper form:If you click on the images they will appear in seperate windows at readable sizes. I'll w...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 20:15:00 GMT

Clausal Punctuation-Poems

Four compact poems that are not ruined by formatting:rhythms- sickly: (yellow-knotted? And yet, it, clipps didnt; but (if, then,- and crepuscular)- chiasms rat/tle & doors
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 16:41:00 GMT

On Apathy and the Lazy Artist

(first published in Antiglobe, Sept. A.Da. 89, 2005 Anti-Vulgar.) ON APATHY AND THE LAZY ARTIST Too many of us haved breathed poisoned air for far too long. I...
Posted by on Fri, 19 May 2006 15:02:00 GMT

Two poems: Ge Ge; and Disembraining Machine

There is also a text-image piece, "A Tumbler of Moss", from the upcoming issue of Sponge Pudding, K. Wynne ed. (follow friends link to one.c) to be found in my "photos" section.GE GE (for Mary Ann Caw...
Posted by on Tue, 16 May 2006 16:50:00 GMT

The Disease That Writes Beauty

Two major Anti-theoretical projects that are in the works: "Toward (and away from) A (potential) Nagean Pataphysics" and an in-depth Pataphysical study. Might we define a disease as that which def...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 19:07:00 GMT