MY CURRENT ATTENTION SPAN: Sex, drugs, rock n' roll, crime, immorality in general, CNN, wine, a new high ball glass, chihuahuas, mini schnauzers, France, mascara, sky miles, flip flops, robbing Sephora, Belgian lambics, sleeping, bottled H20, eradicating rude Bahamian hospitality, veganism, service dog training, Indian foods, the safety and efficacy of travel via Amtrak, living in Maine, boats, working out, books, travel, allergic reactions, procrastination, expatriation, statistics, My Flat In London, log homes, writing.
Tracy Chapman. TOOL.
Ask Netflix
IDIOT BOX NOW SHOWING: Law & Order reruns, Allstate Insurance commercials, Hôtel Bordemer...waiting on Big Brother
Remember boys and girls: TV MAKES YOU STUPID
Anything Hemingway, Achebe, Koontz and Morrison.
El Gay Dingo