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New world order - Time to blow the cover

"What would you do?" by: Paris(..New world order, Illuminati, conspiracy, freemasons, international bankers, global elite, JFK hit,HAARP* WEATHER MODIFICATION systems, NATIONAL ID cards, GPS microchips.. WORLD DOMINATION*, HIDDEN DICTORSHIP AGENDAS ...skull and bones, Bohemian Grove ..ALL exposed.)~~ I LOVE AMERICA* but.. FUQ* d.. GOVERNMENT!!!~ LET IT BE* KNOVVN*!!!~9/11 + Madrid,SPAIN in 2004 + Egypt bombings of 2005 + 7/7 London bombings of 2005 = INSIDE*JOBZ!! = FALSE FLAG OPS!! & AL QAEDA IS : JUST THE NAME OF THE COMPUTER FILE!!!!**VVAKE*UP**d...**SHEEPLE__*PEOPLE*!!!!"War on Terror" = suspension of our* Civil Rights + 14 US Constitutional Amendments / Rights since this ..BS* war started in 2001.. (almost 7 years ago)GOVERNMENT MEANS : APPLIED CONTROL OF THE MIND GOVERN = CONTROL MENT (suffix) = APPLiED* MENTALLY... LOOK UP "MK-ULTRA" (ITS A SCIENCE)the [ $ ] sign is the ANCIENT symbol*4 = CONTROL(snake wrapped around a pole) same for the International sign of MEDICINE* (Masonic / SATANIC / Kabalistic SYMOLISN hence the phrase "MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL *EVIL*"~ the VVASHINGTON Monument is a Satanic symbol, which is 666 feet tall (555+111underground!!_+ THE ARE 666 OF THEM IN THE WORLD WITH 6 OF THEM IN "AMARUKA" aka: AMERICA *LOOK_it_UP)+ there are also 666 others just like it around the world... of which 6 are located in the Continental United States.. + its also an ancient Babylonian symbol for SUN worship thats why they all point to the North Star*look up :Ted Gunderson (former FBI director talkin bout this shit)Ray McGovern (former CIA chief analyst now a "whistle-blower" ...the whistle-blower, who pressured the BUSH ADMINISTRATION so much until they fired Donald Rumsfield..front line leader in the TRUTH MOVEMENT)Dr. Robert C. BECK (doctor,researcher,scientist who REDISCOVERED the CURE* 2 CANCER ..AIDS.. ect ..ect ANYTHING viral pretty much can be CURED by electrifying the BLOOD via low frequency electric waves.. thus separating the virus cells hence allowing ur IMMUNE system 2 KILL it COMPLETELY the NATURAL WAY*!!!!) ~~why**DONT they TELL the SHEEPLE this?? ==because(2*them)a PATIENT*CURED***is a CLIENT**LOST*ur AIR*(chemtrails)VVATER*(floride+barrium) FOOD*(hormons+toxins+micro-waves=radiation u MORONS!!!) VACCINES*(research whats it em..) TOYS*(lead+mercury) CLOTHS*(chemical_deoderizeres and dis-infectants) ALLLLLLL these necessities**we consume DAILY makes ur brains DOCILE* and KILLS ur FUQIN memory!! ++++ they ALLLLL posses compounds & chemicals Generally similar patterns and connections to each other + us + GOVT.!! they ALLLL are associated with two things: ...1 is PROPAGANDA convincing the SHEEPLE that its SAFE + good*&*4*u* the 2nd is a terrifing FACT** something usually titled the spine chilling phrase known as : "RADIOACTIVE_BIO-HAZARDOUS_TOXIC_VVASTE"OH & bye d..vvay : TV = mass CIA hypnotism tool (subliminal* messages ur brain picks up but ur eyes & ears do NOT) look up : "MK-ULTRA" ..pssst.. ==they NEVER stopped it*!!Cocaine Import Agency ...aka: d.. CIA = NAZIS spies who infiltrated the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA post VVVV2*!! (look up "Project Paperclip") BLACKWATER: SHADOW ARMY BUSH WON'T ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTIONBUT** DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING UR TOLD... ..WE'RE LIVING in the INFORMATi!ON *AGE* (THE INTERNET IS A POWERFUL INFORMATIONAL*TOOL) --DONT BE LAZY* THIS EFFECTS US ALLLL AS HUMANE BEINGS ...SO GO & DO ..UR OWN RESEARCH (..BTW: was MADE by HAXORZ who DONT *TRUST* d.. GOVERNMENT!!)* ORIGINAL * FOOTAGE * of * JFK * ASSASSi!NATION ---!!! TAKE A CLOSER & MORE CAREFULLY LOOK AT THE FINAL FATAL SHOT IN REVLEVANCE 2 THE DRIVER**watch the DRIVER care*FULLY*!!...THE BILL OF RIGHTS are ALMOST COMPLETELY SUSPENDED!! Don..t Belive it? ..LOOK it UP!! Patriot Act 1 & 2 Killed most of the CONSTITUTION!! KISS YOUR RIGHTS GOOD*BYE!! & GET READY TO FACE CORPORATE FACISM + a MARTIAL LAVV NAZI-GESTAPO-like POLICE_STATE!!! VVAKE UP PEOPLE!!! DONT be the "SHEEPLE" MUCH LONGER OR WE ALL GONNA' GET FUQT (CUZ THE MASS OF THE POPULATION IS ACTUALLY TOO BRAIN-WASHED 2 EVEN LISTEN ALL THE WAY!!!


" ~ Fuck_a_BiLL!! ~ Fuck_a_BiTCH..!! ~ ..bout_FRIENDz**!!!...and my* friendz R the 1z.. ~standin by my door..steady drinkin Gin*...or sittin in ..d BacK*~ALWAYz *in ..ALL~BLACK*...steady countin..Inz.. ~FiLTeRing-OUT* ~the FAKE~friendz.....Losing track of our* SiNz*..and if u Disagree** ~TRUST ME* ..when I say,$t STAY the FUCK avvay* from *ME*!! " -{LiFe's quote / motto!!}- ~ Mr. X




This is a older shorter list of whats actualy at the site. Click any video, and start watching.. Its that easy!

13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati 3 Hours
200 miles per Gallon Supercarburator 47 Minutes
911 Inside the WTC (Made for TV) 2 Hours
911 = Demolition Experts are Speaking Up Against the Coverup 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 A Closer Look 25 Minutes
911 and the American Empire - How should religious people respond? 1 Hour 25 Minutes
911 Attack or godsend? 25 Minutes 2005
911 Eyewitness 1 Hour 50 Minutes
911 In Plane Site 55 Minutes
911 Perspectives 2 Hours
911 Revisited
911 Road To Tyrrany 2 Hours 22 Minutes
911 The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati 2 Hours
911 The Greatest Lie Evers Sold 2 Hours 5 Minutes
911 Timeline - Paul Thompson (Pakistan Involvement) 1 Hour
911 Truth & Politics 1 Hour
A Taxation Is Not Necessary 43 Minutes
A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17 57 Minutes
Aerosol Crimes (CHEMTRAILS) 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death 50 Minutes
African Coup 30 Minutes
Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11
Aftershock Iraq
AIDS & Ebola Were Manufactured Dr LG Horowitz
AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996) 2 Hours
AIDS Hoax-Ten reasons HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2 Hours
Air Force One Tagged by Mark Ecko
America Destroyed By Design
America in Peril (UN / New World Order) 2 Hours
America's Economic Decline
America's Secret Destiny 2 Hours
American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004 (2004)
American Drug Lords CIA / MOB Drug Running
Ancient Pompeii was a mediaeval Christian town ruled by Illuminati?
Angels and Demons Revealed 1 Hour
Angels Dont Play This HAARP
Anthrax Attacks 45 Minutes
Anthrax Investigation
Antichrist and a Cup of Tea 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Are Americans So Angry? 50 Minutes
Are You A Manchurian Candidate 27 Minutes
Art, Truth and Politics - Harold Pinter
Assassination of Russia
Astronauts Gone Wild
Avian Influenza: Preparing for the Pandemic 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Banking & The Federal Reserve
Banking with Hitler 45 Minutes
Bay of Pigs: Declassified
BBC Conspiracies - New world Order
Behind The Green Curtain 40 Minutes
Behold a Pale Horse 4 Hours 39 Minutes
Beneath Iraq and a Hard Place - Rory Bremner 50 Minutes 2006
Best Enemies Money Can Buy 55 Minutes
Between Iraq and a Hard Place
BEYOND Iraq and a Hard Place
Beyond Treason
Bilderberg: Masters of the Universe
Biological Testing In US Cities
BioTerror (biological weapons and germ warfare) 45 Minutes
Blackout in East Timor
Brainwashing: 101 46 Minutes
Breaking the Bank
Breaking The Invisible Shackles Of The IRS 1 Hour 41 Minutes
Breaking The Silence - John Pilger
Britain's Heroin Fix
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Bush and Bin Ladens
Bush Dynasty
Bush Family Crimes
Bush Family Fortunes
Bush giving the middle Finger
Bush Nazi Family History
Bush Scandals - Kevin Phillips
Bush Stole the Election - Banned BBC Documentary
Capitalism & Other Kids' Stuff 50 Minutes
Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You 30 Minutes
Chem Trails : What is wrong with our skies?
CIA & Satanism
CIA & Lockerbie
CIA Analyst - Pelletiere
CIA and the Nazis
CIA drug trafficking - CONTRA COCAINE 10 Minutes 1997
CIA Remote Viewing 50 Minutes
CIA Spy Secrets: playing dirty
Civilian Disarmament - Prelude for Tyranny
Closer: The Fall of Baghdad
Cointel Pro - War on Black America 50 Minutes
Cold War, Dirty Science
Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 1 Hour
Confronting the Evidence A Call To Reopen the 9-11 Investiagtion
Conspiracies on Trial
Conspiracy Confessions
Conspiracy of silence
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories (Tex Mars & Alex Jones) 55 Minutes
Conspiracy Theory Rock Clip - censored by NBC only aired once
Constitution Class taught by Michael Badnarik (2003) Around 7 Hours
Contaminated: The New Science of Food
Countdown to killing
Crack the CIA
Da Vinci Code Decoded 1 Hour 35 Minutes
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
Dark Side of the Moon 52 Minutes
Dead in the Water - The BBC investigates the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war
Declassified: Ayatollah Khomeini 45 Minutes
Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness Video that is NOT shown to Troops 45 Minutes
Despotism 10 Minutes - 1946
Diana: The Night She Died (UK Channel 5)
Dick Cheny - The Unauthorized Biography 40 Minutes 2004
Did we really land Men on the Moon? 55 Minutes
Divided America
DNC2000 protest footage
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" 1 Hour
East Timor 10 Minutes
Echelon The Most Secret Spy System
Economic vs. Human Rights
Eisenhower Farewell Address
Election 2004: Republican Terror Manipulations, How They Work and Why 30 Minutes
Elite Population Control 1 Hour 22 Minutes
Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995) 1 Hour
Evolving Lies
Executive Power and the War on Terror 1 Hour
Exploring Life Extension 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Fahrenheit 911
Faith in Exile: The Lesson of Tibet
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Final Warning - A History of the New World Order 2 Hours 42 Minutes
Fluoride Deception
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point 2 Hours
Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Michael Tsarion, Hesham Tillawi 55 Minutes
From Prison to Paradise 6 Hours 17 Minutes
Gary Webb - In his own words
George Hunt:UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 (Population reduction, Bank Scams etc..) 36 Minutes
Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence 1 Hour
Globalism the Program - General Ben Partin 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Government : Stealing Your Freedom 48 Minutes
Gulag USA - Texe Marrs
HAARP (BBLC 2005) 51 Minutes
Has someone been sitting on the FBI?
Hijacking Catastrophe 2004
History of Freemasonry 53 Minutes
History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Holes In Heaven? HAARP
Hollywood and the Pentagon
Hot Spots: Iran
How the Twin Towers Collapsed 45 Minutes
Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime. alt. cancer cure 1 Hour 23 Minutes
IBM and the Holocaust
Illuminati - NWO - Greedy Elite 1 Hour
Illuminati Mystery Babylon 2 Hours
Illuminazi 9/11 1 Hour 25 Minutes
Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 1 Hour 5 Minutes
Inflation 30 Minutes
Inner World of the Occult 3 Hours
Interview With John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman
Invisibly Visible 30 Minutes
Iraq, Tony & the truth
Iraq: The Reckoning - Dispatches
Isreali Terrorism
JFK : The Bush Connection
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government 7 Hours 20 Minutes
Kidnap and Torture American Style - Dispatches
Loose Change
Loose Change 2 1 Hour 21 Minutes
Lost Civilizations - Byzantium 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Mad As Hell 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 2 Hourss 15 Minutes
Majestic 12 documentary by William Cooper aka MJ-12 The Secret Govenment
Making of a Dictator
Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)
Masonry - Behind Closed Doors 2 Hours 10 Minutes
Masonry: Beyond the Light 2 Hours 25 Minutes
Masters of Terror (2003)
Masters of the Universe
Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Michel Chossudovsky - Disarming War Agenda (Carlyle Group)
Military Video 25 Minutes
Milton Friedman on Limited Government 28 Minutes
Mission Accomplished
Mission Mind Control - 1979 ABC News
Money Banking and The Federal Reserve 42 Minutes
Monopoly Men
Mormons and the illuminati 41 Minutes
Munich: Mossad's Revenge
N. Wootan - History of The E.V. Gray Motor (Free Energy - KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Nazi UFOs - How They Fly - The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 45 Minutes
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit the World 42 Minutes
Oil as a Weapon
Operation Hollywood
Order Of Death
Order of the Knights of Malta 53 Minutes
Orwell Rolls In His Grave 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Other side of AIDS
Our Friend Saddam 40 Minutes
Owning the Peacock
Owning the Weather
P. Lindemann - The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (KeelyNet Conference) 3 Hours
Painful Deceptions
Palestine Is Still The Issue
Pallywood "According to Palestinian Sources..."
Peak Oil - Dr Colin Campbell
Peak Oil - Mike Ruppert 1 Hour
Pearl Harbor
Pedophile Politicians 1 Hour
People and the Land
Perspective on 9-11
Peter Lindemann - The World of Free Energy (KeelyNet Conference) 2 Hours
Pharmakeia: George W. Bush, The Apocalypse and the War on Weed 40 Minutes
Phil Schneider - August 1995 Lecture 2 Hours
Phil Schneider - May 1995 Lecture 1 Hour 44 Minutes
Phil Schneider - November 1995 Lecture
Plan Colombia - Cashing In on the Drug War Failure 53 Minutes
Police State 2000
Police State II: The Takeover (2000)
Z Police State III: Total Enslavement
Population Control - None Dare Call it Genocide by Dr Stanley Monteith
Preparing for the Inevitable: Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases 3 Hours 40 Minutes
President George W. Bush: Wiretap Eavesdropping Full Speech 43 Minutes
Preventive Warriors 1 Hour
Private Toll Roads Are Bad -Alex Jones- 1 Hour
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Promises and Betrayals
Psychological Operations 30 Minutes
Purpose Of The Drug War
Reality Check - Alan Watt 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Religions based on Astrology? 53 Minutes
Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out -- Again ! 1 Hour 9 Minutes
Resisting Government Secrecy in a Time of Terrorism with Seymour Hersh 55 Minutes
Revelations of a Mother Goddess - David Icke 3 Hours
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Surveillance 1 Hour 34 Minutes
Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Say No to War in Iraq - Mr. Galloway
Secret History of the Credit Card 55 Minutes
Secret Rulers of the World 50 Minutes
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Secret Wars of the CIA
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the 3rd reich 57 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 45 Minutes
Secrets of the CIA 1 Hour 30 Minutes 2005
Secrets Of The Illuminati Revealed 2 Hours 33 Minutes
Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training, Brainwashing) 30 Minutes
September 11th: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006 1 Hour 26 Minutes
Shadow Government Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11 attacks 31 Minutes
Shell in Nigeria
Silvio Berlusconi: The Italian Tycoon
Skull & Bones - Dutch TV
Skull And Bones (CBS Documentary)
Something about Katrina 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Spin 60 Minutes 1995
Spinning Terror 50 Minutes
Spoils of War
Stan Meyers shows his invention, Hydrogen power
Stealing A Nation
Stealing Your Freedom - Dispatches
Technology and The Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 20 Minutes
Technology and the Mark of the Beast 2 Hours 21 Minutes
Telling Lies in Bosnia
The Age of Terror: In the Name of the State
The American prison system
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The Blind & The Dead (tex marrs & alex jones) 1 Hour
The Capitalist Conspiracy 47 Minutes
The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate - Alan Watt 30 Minutes
The Citizens Guide To Surviving Police Encounters
The Corporate Globe
The Curse of Oil
The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion] 2 Hours
The Diamond Life
The Dollar a Day Dress
The Eagle Has Landed! Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space Texe Marrs 2 Hou

My Blog

9 / 1 1 ~ Just the FACTS* !! (for ALLL u* skeptics out there)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth ( 1286745 )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...
Posted by Mr.X on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:27:00 PST

!!!!!!....TRIP OUT ON THIS SHIT.....!!!!!! /08/AR2007100801434.htmlDragonfly or Insect Spy? Scientists at Work on Robobugs.By Rick WeissWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, October 9,...
Posted by Mr.X on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

!! *****____{ V E R i! T A S }____***** !!

VVAKE d' FUQ ~UP~sheepLe!! Source: Jun 7, 2002 Contact: Press Office 202-646-5188 FBI & BUSH ADMINISTRATION SUED OVER ANTHRAX DOCUMENTS Judicial Watch Wa...
Posted by Mr.X on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 03:46:00 PST


Here It Is: A Wish List Granted That Would Make Adolph Hitler Proud. From Warrantless Secret Searches to Defining Any Criminal Activity as Terrorism, Our Constitutional Republic Was Gutted on Frida...
Posted by Mr.X on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:15:00 PST

!!!!!*CURE*!! for !!*CANCER*!!!!! + ANYTHING**VIRAL*!!!!!

 Cure for Cancer !!!!!!  _SUPER_IMPORTANT_!!!!!!!!!The Cure for Cancer Mega Post   This is it, Cure for Cancer time. Are you Excited?I know this amazing woman in Los Angeles who ha...
Posted by Mr.X on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 11:08:00 PST

Senators / Congressmen contact 4 1 1

..>..>..>..>..>..> ..> United States Senate Telephone, Fax, Website, eMail, Local Telephone Numbers Click on the Senator's name to send an email Alab...
Posted by Mr.X on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:36:00 PST

Government PATENTS to CONTROL us !!!! VVAKE_UP_AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the USA PATRIOT Act and the blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights to the outright tracking of every human being on the planet earth, you will be stunned by what the U.S. government has planned...
Posted by Mr.X on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 02:56:00 PST

!!!VVAKE!!UP!!!!COURT RULES INCOME TAX ILLEGAL!!!!!!!VVAKE!!UP!!!!CO URT RULES INCOME TAX ILLEGAL!!!!MoneyWhat is it? ________________________________________Of all the incredible stupidities in the ...
Posted by Mr.X on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:26:00 PST


The giant food corporations have one mission: selling more food and beverage products to consumers. Succeeding with that mission depends on keeping consumers in the dark on certain issues such as the ...
Posted by Mr.X on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:02:00 PST

!!!Vaccine Dangers!!! {causes authism+ADD+tumors+CANCERS+VIRUSES+disease+KiLLS immune SYSTEM}

Vaccine Dangers By Ken Adachi hpp:// The dangers of vaccinations to your child's long term health prospects and longevity itself far outweigh any potential benef...
Posted by Mr.X on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:36:00 PST