Experienced and serious musicians may apply.
Send an email to [email protected] with a link to your myspace page or website and please include a phone number so a talent agent can get back to you after listening to your music.
On June 1st, 2006, all artists on the Starscope Roster will be showcased to MTV, Disney, Capitol Records and many others for sponsorshipconsideration.
Starscope Records is the newest Park Place Corporation working in cooperation with Capitol Records' RazorMountain Management team.
Starscope Records also helps artists market music utilizing retail outlets like BurnLounge and Tower Records.
Starscope Records is both a booking agency and an independentrecord label .
Starscope Records offers the highest quality services to the highest quality musicians.
Starscope Records is now scouting for experienced and talented musicians and connecting them with the world's best bookings,recording, sponsorship and promotion. Questions? Call 877-GET-GIGS today!
Visit: www.StarscopeRecords.com