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Underachievement, Ren Fairs, Gadgets, World of Warcraft, Guitar, Dungeons and Dragons, Programing, Pockets, Pouches
Inteligent, honest, friendly, creative open-minded free-thinkers.
Juno Reactor, Mecano, Billy Joel, Strunz and Farah
Office Space, Joe Versus the Volcano, Starwars, Lord of the Rings
History Channel, Cartoon Network, Spike TV, Comedy Channel, Mail Call, ST:DS9, ST:TNG, Samurai Jack
The Underachiever's Manifesto, 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction
Alton Brown, Richard Feynman, Issac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Benjamin Franklin, Galileo Galilae, Leonardo DaVinci, Socrates