About Me
OUROBOROS musical project born in 2004, from an idea of Marco Grosso, that decides, after some years of esoteric and alchemic studies, to realize through music, the path of Great Opera of Alchemy, in his research for Philolosophical Stone.
OUROBOROS tracks bring the listener in the ancients fogs of Medieval Times, with his sad and restless mood, with vocals litany in Latin and old style artwork.
After the release of first cd-r, Solve et coagula, well accepted by papers and listeners, in 2005 Marco ask to Claudio Dondo, (active in the ambient scenes from a decade with his seminal band RUNES ORDER), to collaborate in playing some instrumental parts in OUROBOROS second cd-r, Nigredo, collaborate also in sound engineering.
The Nigredo cd confirme the debut good reviews, and some papers and zines asked to Marco taking interviews, in the meanwhile some tracks are played by independent radio stations in Europe, U.S.A and Australia.
Part of the Nigredo unrelased sessions, not included in the cd-r, and a remix of a Nigredo track, are recorded for a limited 33 copies E.P called Lunarya Fisica, a little gift for the devoted die- hard Ouroboros fans.
In the 2007 Ouroboros debut with the cd "Lux Arcana" for the japanese label Sabbathid Records.
To accompany Marco Grosso in “Lux Arcana†there are numerous guests, Claudio Dondo of Runes Order, mAlice and Aleph Zero of Deviated Sister Tv, Daniele Davico (The Tenant) and Carla Fanetti, that embellish the woven resonant with their contribution.
In the cd it appears also a cover, “Russiansâ€, contained originally in the album†The dream of the blue turtlesâ€of Sting, naturally revisited and arranged in the typical Ouroboros sound, like tribute to one of the favorite musicians of Marco.
After the Lux Arcana releasing many journals and fanzines ask to Marco other interviews, and the reviews of the cd are very well, so many radios put the Lux Arcana tracks on their broadcast.
In the 2008 a new release, called Sigillum Solis, is selled only with a brief essay of Marco Grosso, the book “Il solstizio d’invernoâ€, and contains some outtakes from Lux Arcana.
In the meantime a Belgian label, Bone Structure Media, includes a inedit track called “Lumen et umbra†for a limited edition 3 cd boxset, “Trinity on tritherapyâ€, that in a few days became sold out.
In the same year the estonian label Hexenreich has released a tape (split with Hietont) with a collection of best tracks plus an exclusive remix of “Solve et Coagulaâ€, limited to 99 copies.
For the future is scheduled a 3†single for a dutch label, Svaltgalgh Records, that will contains 3 tracks, rare and unrelased, called “Lumen et Umbraâ€, in a limited edition.hrIl progetto musicale Ouroboros nasce nei primi mesi del 2004, per volontà di Marco Grosso, che intende trasformare in musica il percorso alchemico della Grande Opera e della Pietra Filosofale, riportando lascoltatore in un Medioevo nebbioso ed arcano.
Le coordinate stilistiche di Ouroboros vertono su suoni dark ambient esoterici, con luso di litanie in latino, e, in alcuni brani, suoni subliminali (onde alpha e theta), molto inquietanti, oscuri e avvolgenti, laddove spesso le vocals divengono veri e propri mantra, ipnotici ed ossessivi.
Nel 2004 esce il primo E.P. Solve et coagula, ben accolto dalla stampa, recensito anche allestero, che permette ad Ouroboros di affacciarsi nel panorama musicale.
Dopo un anno, Marco registra il secondo E.P, Nigredo, con la collaborazione in alcune parti strumentali di Claudio Dondo, leader dei seminali Runes Order, maturando lo stile e ottenendo ottime recensioni su riviste (Ascension,Rock Hard) e webzines (Ver Sacrum, Kronic), rilasciando anche qualche intervista.
Sempre nel 2005, 2 tracce rimaste fuori dalle sessions di Nigredo, insieme ad un remix di un brano dello stesso Nigredo confluiscono su un E.P ad edizione limitata a 33 copie, intitolato Lunarya fisica.
Nel tardo 2005 il primo E.P Solve et coagula è stato rilasciato in download gratuito per la net label Benekkea (www.benekkea.net), ottenendo recensioni e critiche positive in tutta Europa e anche negli Stati Uniti.
Attualmente Marco sta scrivendo nuovo materiale in linea con lo stile delle precedenti uscite.