My name is Chewbacca I am married to Mallatobuck and we have a child called Lumpy. I am over 200 years old and 2.28 meters tall. My weapon of choice is the Bowcaster and my vehicle of Choice is a Corellian modified stock light freighter called the Millenium Falcon. I am politically involved with the New Republic.
My native language is Shyriiwook, but I can understand the galactic-standard Basic language which is similar to English. I know how to write the galactic-standard Basic language, but it is difficult for me to speak. Most of the time I like to write in both languages, because some feelings can only be expressed in their own language.I understand most people belive that I am dead. Vector Prime the 1999 novel by R.A. Salvatore was a cheap ploy to boost sales and it made me the first major character from the original trilogy to be permanently killed off. I assure you, regardless of what you read, it is not true! I in fact escaped the collison with Sernpidal and I am now in hiding on the planet Earth.Han I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son Anakin. Hopefully Jaina with turn away from the darkside. May the FORCE be with you all!
My home planet KashyyykKashyyyk is in a Galaxy Far Far Away called the Middle Rim
Your results:
You are Chewbacca
Lando Calrissian
Han Solo
Boba Fett
Qui-Gon Jinn
Anakin Skywalker
Mace Windu
Luke Skywalker
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
Sure you're tall and hairy,
but you've got heart!
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
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