The Norwegian singer/songwriter Arvid Pettersen has written about 200 songs, and he has been a full time artist for 10 years. His recordings have often been broadcasted on national radio in Norway and Finland. He has also performed on Television in most of the spanish speaking world through Enlace, in Europe through God Channel, and in the US through The River TV. Arvid has performed in the biggest churches in Johannesburg;South Africa, Yerevan;Armenia, Tampa;Florida, Mexico City, Copenhagen;Denmark and Oslo;Norway, plus concerts in Russia, Esthonia, Poland and Sweden. He has performed in The European Parliament building in Brüssels, and in the Norwegian Government Building. Arvid has had over 600 live performances since his first album was released. His music video "All I Need" has been broadcasted in over 50 countries. He has recorded 7 albums plus a spanish album. His songs are translated to several languages.
Visit, and watch some of his videos and pictures.
Norwegian news:
Låta "Follow" fra Arvid Pettersens nye CD har ruller og går på NRK P1. Hvis du ønsker å sende en hilsen til en venn med ønske om å høre "Follow", sender du en mail med ditt ønske til
[email protected]! Du kan gjøre det hver kveld.
Norwegian LIVE video with Arvid:
Arvid Pettersen har solgt over 10.000 CD-er.
CD-en "FOLLOW" er kommet ut! Benytt nyhetstilbudet! Send en mail til
[email protected], skrive "FOLLOW" i subject-feltet, og navn, adresse og antall CD-er du ønsker. Så får du mail tilbake med bekreftelse. Introduksjonstilbud: 169,- inkl. porto.
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