MONUMENT profile picture


Decades - Available May, 29th 2007

About Me

Everyone knows New York City has long been a hotbed for discovering up-and-coming artists of all genres. And in an unforgiving scene that has been responsible for producing (and destroying) innumerable bands, MONUMENT has been fortunate enough to develop an ardent fan-base amid the often overwhelming buzz and activity of the city. With their dramatic, infectious live show and warm, ethereal musical backdrop the band has found a place – both geographically and sonically – it can call home.
MONUMENT is the musical construct of four individuals who have come together in pursuit of creation, destruction and re-creation. MONUMENT has found a common plane of expression that provides a platform for the dissemination of their darkest fears and quietest secrets. The sound the band has crafted is a delicate m..lange that may best be described as “self-conscious arena-rock.” MONUMENT mixes deeply vivid lyrics and melodies with compelling and powerful instrumental soundscapes that underscore a vast range of human emotion as well as represent the dynamic world in which we live. These are the swoops and swirls that make up the signature sounds of MONUMENT.
Since recording their first demo EP in March of 2005, MONUMENT has circulated hundreds of copies by touring throughout the Northeast while creating a warm, home fan-base in the New York/New Jersey area. Based on the material on this EP and the charisma and charm of their live show, MONUMENT joined the XOXO Records family toward the end of 2005.
MONUMENT's forthcoming debut LP is arriving May 29th, 2007 care of XOXO Records
For all questions directed to the band regarding Booking, Publicity or General Inquiries - Please e-mail: Monument
-or - Reach us on AIM at: MonumentBand

My Interests


Member Since: 1/10/2005
Band Website: A Full Re-Design Coming Soon!!
Band Members:

James - Vocals
Eric - Bass
Ben - Guitars
Paul - Drums

Additional Contacts:
For Booking Inquiries: Monument
On Instant Messenger: MonumentBand

For all Publicity/PR matters: Will @ Snowrunner Publicity and Marketing

For all Legal issues: Asim Shaihk, Esq.
Influences: Radiohead, U2, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, Doves, Morrissey, Jeff Buckley, Travis, Slowdive, Mogwai
Sounds Like: Snow Patrol, Interpol, Doves
Record Label: XOXO Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

See "Decades" Latest Review ment - DecadesLabel: XOXO RecordsRelease Date: May 29th, 2007One of my favorite new record labels, perhaps not created in 2007, but made in ...
Posted by MONUMENT on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 07:44:00 PST

Monument is now on iTunes

You can now download our debut full-length on iTunes!The album is also available for purchase at these fine
Posted by MONUMENT on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:42:00 PST

Monument "Decades" commercial

Log onto and click the XOXO Records link in the left-hand column box to view the 60 second advertisement.  In other news, we just finished shooting our first music vide...
Posted by MONUMENT on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 05:57:00 PST