Motley Crue, hypocrisy, pantera, gorgoroth, taake, amen, 1349, belphegor, marduk, darkthrone, Hellacopters, lars fredriksen and the bastards, Deeds of flesh, Diabolic, Vital remains, Deicide, Cannibal corpse, Venom, Ulver, Ragnarok, behemoth, emperor,Enslaved, misfits, megadeth, metallica, skid row, black sabbath,cadaver, black debbath, aasen, windir, dimmu borgir, type o negative, turbonegro, Down, Superjoint ritual, Destruction, sodom, rancid, sex pistols, War, the abyss, Monster magnet........
Nigth of the living dead, cannibal holocaust, king kong, the machinist, alien, American pshyco, The devils rejects, house of a 1000 corpses, Zombie, Fear and loathing in las vegas, Jaws, The abyss...
Faust, nickolas, N.Sixx, Frost ,don vito,