Lady_RedHawk64/DJ ღWildღ @ Mistr3ss's H.O. profile picture

Lady_RedHawk64/DJ ღWildღ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.

I am here for Friends

About Me

~~ Let light enfold me that my inside eye may see clearly the path that lies ahead. Let my mind be opened up that I may recognize the signposts along the way. Grant me the wisdom that comes from understanding the true from the false, And Guide my steps so that should I falter or stumble, tripped by former beliefs that bring me still, I may go forward with Courage, and with the determination which persistence bears. Let me be embraced with the Love by which The whole Creation is moved. The very Essence with which ALL things are held together, dependent yet independent, whole yet individuated. In which all are my relatives. Let me know the way that is the beauty way, where all who will, may walk in Beauty, and where the end of the path is but a new beginning to my infinity, and every new beginning another ever-present moment in Eternity~!~..........OKAY ONWARD....I am of Comanche, Kickapoo, Hispanic and (and white ancestry), boy colorful aren't I? I stand 5'5", have Green eyes, and long Raven Black hair! I am not looking for ANYONE at this moment, because....WELL, just because!!! Not to mention that there WAS Someone who HAD meant the world to me, and always WILL!, but, things happen and well who knows what will be in store for me further down on my journey's path, or what the Creator has in store for me! So, therefore I am here ONLY to make some good long lasting friendships and that is all at this time. ~~ I am the proud parent of some wonderful children and I have had the opportunity to meet some fine and wonderful people here as well! and YOU will ALWAYS have a place in my heart, I have learned in a short time FRAME the importance of being TRUE to ONESELF first and foremost and also to the ones you love, AND the ones who love you! I WAS going through a difficult time BUT am now healing! It is because of TRUE and Honest freinds that I can say this....and for that I thank you all, and May the Creator continue to bless each and everyone of you for being there for me! I can also say that I have found out what it means to be loved unconditionally and through a lot of trial and errors (on my part) how to love someone unconditionally in return!!! My wish is that the Creator will allow SOMEONE to see this now also, Ahhhh, maybe one day?Walk In Beauty My Friends and Many Blessings!!! :)
.. Cool Slideshows
"A Woman"~~~~Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because The Creator counts her tears.~ The woman came out of a man's rib.~~ Not--from his feet to be walked on. Not--from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal.~ Under the arm to be protected and next to the heart to be loved!!!

My Interests

You scored as Shamanic Pagan. A shamanic pagan's roots are generally found in Native American faith. A true love and respect for the earth and all that it yields is central to their faith. Wisdom is most often found in spirit guides or totems, who can be animals, ancestors, or spirits. Pagans who follow this path tend to be far more aware of the delicate web that interweaves the lives of every person and thus move within that web accordingly. They're usually deeply insightful, friendly, loving people and excellent friends and parents. Mysterious and strong, as well, they are often the protectors of their friends and family as well as the moral compass for their friends and loved ones.

Shamanic Pagan


Zoroastrian Pagan


Eastern Pagan


Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)


Roman Pantheonic Pagan


Catholic (Pagan?)


Greek Pantheonic Pagan


Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan


Kabbalistic Pagan


Ecclectic Pagan


Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans


Celtic Pantheonic Pagan

What kind of Pagan are you?
Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 80%
Greed: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Pride: 0%
Sloth: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go. How Sinful Are You?

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Really good friends, and have found a MANY~!~ Thanks guys for being there and showing me the support that you have at ALL times, and for lending me YOUR ears and ARE ALL GREAT~!~ People who are TRUE to THEMSELVES as well as to OTHERS are who I'd like to meet...That is all thanks to one special person who taught me how to be this way, and they know of who I speak......Now, if you are coming in here to try to do the WEB CAM, CYBER SEX or PHONE SEX thing, you NEED NOT bother so "KEEP STEPPING"...And DO NOT "I REPEAT DO NOT" bring YOUR "DRAMA" here this is a DRAMA FREE zone....I DO NOT tolerate it well and will handle it accordingly, Also "DO NOT" send a friend request without "First" sending me a courteous "E-Mail" if you DO chances are most likely that I will NOT even look at the request, or If you also DO NOT have a picture "Keep Stepping", I do not carry on a conversation with Blank pages...and if you are the other type of person who is trying to just add people for the sake of a popularity contest or "Let's See How Many I can ADD," you need not bother either...if we do not have a thing in common there is a good chance I may "NOT" add you to my list of FRIENDS~!~, it is nothing personal!!!!...So... it is with that "First" courteous "E-MAIL" that I spoke about up there, that will "ULTIMATELY" determine if we have anything in common or not and if I will add you to my circle of friends, Now with that said "Walk In Beauty", Stay safe and Be well~!~ And Many Blessing to you ALL~!~


I like just about all kinds of Music... I listen to all types of Rock, from Godsmack, Drowning Pool, Stabbing Westward, Static X, Korn, Ozzy, Queensryche, Yngwie Malmsteem, Joe Satriani, Murderdolls, Slayer, Well u get the picture, to a CD that was made for me (*smile, it's a really nice CD), It's a CD that was made by a man that will always have a place in my heart...Let's just say ALWAYS~!~(*sigh)....And then there are artists such as Robbie Robertson, beautiful words and beautiful music, Peter Phippen, Douglas SpottedEagle, and other Native American Artists (the Native American Flute music is soooo inspiring and relaxing), then I can get into some hip hop, some country, to "WELL" as I said ....Just about anything~!~************************************************* ****CHECK US OUT DURING ONE OF MY SETS...U WONT REGRET THIS, I PROMISE~!~ **ON AIR 6pm to 10pm EASTERN TIME...OR...5pm to 9pm CENTRAL TIME!!!!**~***!!!DO NOT CLICK ON PIC TO ENTER ... IT WILL NOT TAKE U TO OUR ROOM, U CAN EITHER SIT AND LISTEN HERE, EMAIL, OR YIM ME AND I CAN TELL U HOW!! ... AGAIN DO NOT CLICK ON PIC BELOW IT WILL NOT TAKE U TO MISTR3SS'S HOUSE OF PAIN!!!!~~**~~BUT DO ENJOY THE MUSIC~~**~~


OOOOO, I love SCAREY MOVIES, thanks!~ But will watch just about anything~!~


When I do read it is usually sci-fi books or romance or suspense novels.....

My Blog


come on i double dog dare ya :) THANX MS.SUSEY!!! HEE HEE!! Type your name in my blog comments.  Once you have done that this is what I will do for you. 1. I'll respond with something random ...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:20:00 PST

"The If We Had Sex Game"....Hahahaha~!~ This Is Hilarious!!

Here is a freaked out crazee game that a friend sent to me , I did not repost this in bulletin, but did so here instead...feel free to take it or use it on your own pages or bulletins...?  Have s...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:46:00 PST

What Creature of the Night are you most like?

Yep I would say this is me....">> You scored as Fallen Angel. You my friend are a Fallen Angel!You were amongst the closest to God, yet love led you...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Tribes

Posted By:C.C.Get this video and more at
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:03:00 PST

Dear Santa Letter...Oh My Creator Susey ~ Hilarious~!~

Santa ClausNorth Pole, Earth Dear Santa,   I have been a good girl. It really wasn't my fault what happened at Susey's Office party. It was Melissa (T.K) who spiked the punch with too much ...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:27:00 PST


?One Flaw In Women?By the time the Lord made woman, He was into his sixth day of working overtime.An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?" And the Lord a...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST

If your Game then here's a New Game~!~

So if you're game... I've taken part in this one on a friends blog, so my duty was to blog it for you my friends.What's fun about this one, that I saw from my friend Susey, is that I get to give my i...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST

Not Ready To Make Nice...Great Song, Words Ring True~!~

NOT READY TO MAKE NICE Words & Music by Emily Robison, Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines, Dan Wilson (Dixie Chicks)*Heard this song not too long ago and it stopped me in my tracks...really good song.*For...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 02:42:00 PST

Blast From The Past...Listen to Profile Song....

"Hurry take a listen this is great....let me know what you think?"  This song has special meaning right about now..."and yes I am talking to you~!~"        ...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:43:00 PST

I WISH ....~!~

*wish someone felt this way* if you are a girl then go with the first if you are a guy then use the second, in the end it is still a beautiful brought me to tears~  Girl/Bo...
Posted by Lady_RedHawk64/DJ æWildæ @ Mistr3ss's H.O.P. on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 06:49:00 PST