About Me
The debut Dying Regret EP/CD "The Price of Human Ruin" is now available for purchase on iTunes and on CD Baby!
Clicking on the iTunes link below will take you to the iTunes Store page for Dying Regret. You MUST have iTunes installed on your computer for this to work correctly.
Please help support our band! We are pushing hard, trying to take this project professional! Let us know if you get one, and what you think when you give it a spin!
Next, I am very happily married to my lovely bride, Birny. She keeps me grounded and stabilized and completes my life. We have been married for almost 10 years now [less than a month to go], and were together for 5 years before that, so we are definitely the "old married couple". Birny has a MySpace page as well, so pop by and say hi to her, too. [She's my #1 friend below.]
The third member of our pack is our dog, BooBoo. She is a "terrier mix", but there is definitely some Pitbull in there somewhere. We found her listed .. at a Boxer rescue, and fell in love with her when we first met her. An hour or two later, she was riding home with us. This is my first ever dog, and I can't believe I've lived this long without one. BooBoo has been amazingly good and trainable, as we hear is the case with many rescued dogs. She is very intellegent and eager to please, especially for Birny. She is definitely Momma's little girl, though she has a spot in her heart for me. It still gets to me a little when I come home and I see just how excited she is to see me again. "Oh Daddy, I thought you left us for good...." Wag, wag, wag!
Now, for the band related stuff...
I am the bassist for the San Diego metal band, Dying Regret . We formed in the summer of 2005, and have been hiding ourselves away in our project ProTools recording studio, hammering out the songs for our debut CD project. Currently [as of 7/31/06] we have 3 songs submitted to a professional producer, have 3 more songs ready to submit in the next week or two, and a number of song ideas that we are continuing to work out. Use the Dying Regret link above to go to the Dying Regret MySpace webpage, and please feel free to stream our songs and tell me/us what you think.
I play various Warwick basses [currently 5 string Thumbs and "Frankenbass" a 4 string Streamer which I have heavily modified] through an Ampeg SVT4PRO which feeds 2 4x10 Ampeg cabs. I have a
Spector 435LX on order through a local music store, and am anxiously awaiting its' arrival. This is a 4 string, 35" scale bass. I have high hopes that it should sound great and record well, especially with the 35" scale. I'd love to chat with any other bassists who are interested, especially with any who are dealing with the issues with playing a detuned bass. We tune a full step low, with the low string yet ANOTHER step low [C G C F A on a 5 stringer...].
So, I received my Spector 35" scale bass, and it is all I was hoping for! It has VERY active pickups, which help add some power to my playing style, which is always welcome. This bass has insane amounts of thump, and sounds really sweet through my SVT410HLF 4x10 cabinets.
I am now a convert to Spector basses. The feel, weight, and especially TONE are all amazing. Not a huge fan of the dual volume knob setup that is stock...I'm thinking about having this reconfigured to a single volume knob...just want to make sure that this doesn't negatively affect the basses' tone. Just picked up a smoking deal on another Spector bass on Ebay...$200 delivered...though this is a budget model, it feels really nice and sounds pretty sweet, still need to really A-B test it against the 435LX to figure out which to use primarily...]
Getting ready to hit stage hard, I decided to upgrade my stage rig. Initially, the rig consisted of an Ampeg SVT4PRO [1200 Watts!] into the two SVT410HLF cabs. I purchased an SVT810E cab and tried it out with the rig. Good overall sound as expected, not such a sweet low end as the 410s, again expected. Then, my singer called and tells me that I should have tried out the "new" ported Ampeg 6x10 cabinets. I ended up with 2 of these. Good move, I think. They give me a little more of the low end that I want from the 410 cabs, can handle more power than the 410s, and are lighter [and cheaper] than the 810 refrigerators that are the standard for touring bassists.