taxidermy, burlesque, running with scissors...
Hmmm... The Pixies, Depeche, Morrissey,The Smiths, Nick Cave, Joy Division, Julie Cruise, Leonard Cohen, Renegade Soundwave, louis xiv, Janes Addiction, Social Distortion, Southern culture on the Skids, The Afghan Whigs, All nasty 80's hair metal (this is a little embarrassing - dont tease me) Reverend Horton Heat, Peaches, Wesley Willis, Siouxsie,Patsy Cline, The Violent Femmes, Johnny Cash, Danzig, The Misfits, Fear, The Cocteau Twins, Nina Simone,The Dead Milkmen, this could go on forever...
I worship David Lynch - so basically everything hes done is high on the list, True Romance, Pirranah, Buckaroo Bonzai, The (original)Fog, Heathers, The Royal Tenanbaums, Session 9, Alfred Hitchcock is amazing: Rear Window, Vertigo etc etc etc...Wet Hot American Summer, Fright Night, American History X, Amelie, Office Space, The Secretary - I also really like bad 70's porn... you know- where the guys are gay and the chicks have bush - watch the hilarity ensue!
I am TV poison. Any show i love inevitably dissapears. Perfect examples: Carnivale, 6 Feet Under, Mr Show, Arrested Development. Soon to get the axe: The L Word, Nip/Tuck, Deadwood.
Too many to list...I love Josephine Hart (but no one knows who she is), poems by Poe, Stephen King, Serial Killer Biographies, Miss Spiders Wedding...