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John Hyatt

The Official John Hyatt MySpace Page

About Me

Hello my friends,
Well, it has been over a year now since they found me floating in the block of ice which had encased me since my fall from the starboard bow of the icebreaker, New Antelope 2, in 1991. As you can imagine, it took considerable time to thaw, and be ready for action again. Fifteen years in a state of frozen immobility was quite a trip. My freezing was of my own doing, when I leant out into the arctic wind over the rail, straining to hear, and trace a melody that was weaving in and out of the breeze from the creaking ice-flows off into the dawn sea fret. I can only presume that I was frozen solid in an instant as I plunged into the chill waters. The last thing that I remember was the lungs inside my chest constricting and clamping up hard.
I was presumed dead and lost at sea for the next fifteen years. What many do not realise is that, whilst it meant no activity from The Three Johns, once their vocalist was lost to the elements, I was far from inactive during my stay in the hard water hotel. The melody that had called me away stayed with me and guided me on an inner journey, becoming a pathway across the hills and meadows of an interior landscape. This was a landscape made of music. The hills were bass-line movements, the trees vibrations of strings, the rocks were beats.
Thank goodness for this one benefit of global warming. The ice flow that had encased me for so long broke apart in the heating up of the atmosphere. My crystal chrysalis drifted south, diminishing in size as it went. Until, Captain Arctica, I was spotted by a Norwegian scientist (now my very good friend) off the coast of Scandinavia. Quite amazingly, when I awoke, stiff and blue in Dagfin’s hut just north of Norway, I was quite lucid and had perfect recall of the sonorous somnambulist sojourn I had enjoyed for fifteen years in the world of sound.
Dagfin hypothesises that a perfect spherical space, within the ice, had encased me in a bubble. He thinks the inside of this sphere within the ice was mirrored and so my reflection was reflected back at me an infinite number of times every second of every day for fifteen years. He also thinks that this cavity acted as a sound chamber reflecting the creaking of the ice flows back and forth within itself at all frequencies. He theorises that I was effectively slowed down to a near-death standstill by the cold but subjected to a period of infinitely bright self-reflection in a ball of white noise.
He cannot explain the sword that they found with me, and neither can I, so any ideas of how that got there would be warmly welcomed.
Once I had thawed, it was apparent that I was magically transformed. I could now play guitar and any other instrument that I might pick up. Not because I had gained more skill, but because I did not worry any more, had become adept at simply opening myself, and letting the raw music flow out through me, in an unprocessed state. The first instrument I picked up was Dagfin’s mandolin. I started to play and then to sing a song that I had heard someplace near the source of me when on my travels inside. It was quite obvious that something was going on because, whilst I improvised that melody and my voice arose from the depths inside of me, all the creatures of the forest gathered around the rude door of the hut and would not leave until morning.
Always a friendly and sociable type, as Three Johns fans will attest, I was more than pleased to learn of the interactive and inter-social advances in new technologies. Through this, I have been making new solo experimental work for you to listen to on this MySpace. This is to be listened to alongside the rebirth of The Three Johns (
and the soon to be opened site of my other new adventure, The Suns of Potto.
I hope that you find all these things enjoyable. Isn’t it just so great to be alive?
However, I couldn’t help but notice that the world has gone to the dogs again whilst I was away but I am sure, together, we can soon sort that out that ball of greed with a teaspoonful of love for revelry, song and dance.
Good to be back, my friends, and I hope you gather round my rude cyberian hut to listen, when you are in the neighbourhood.
John Hyatt

My Interests


Member Since: 4/27/2006
Band Website: "
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New John Hyatt sites launched

Hello friends!We've been developing MySpace pages for some of John Hyatt's solo and collaborative works.They're pretty varied, and different ones may appeal to different listeners. They include - http...
Posted by John Hyatt on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 02:33:00 PST

Gill and Hyatt music site launched

John Hyatt has just launched 'Gill and Hyatt' a new MySpace music page in memory of his friend, the late John Gill. This site features collaborative tracks from Gill and Hyatt, and some of John's th...
Posted by John Hyatt on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 06:01:00 PST

Tales from the Hard Water Hotel  A River Ran Through It

Tales from the Hard Water Hotel  Part Two - A River Ran Through ItThrough the revolving doors, the foyer had a river running through it. Rich red, patterned carpet ended in a metal strip and polished...
Posted by John Hyatt on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:38:00 PST

Two new songs up on the player today!

Two new songs, 'Dark Shiva' and 'Doing What They Ought To,' are up on the player from today!Come on over for a listen and tell us what you think!(Something else you have been waiting for is also on it...
Posted by John Hyatt on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:36:00 PST

John Hyatt on the radio on Valentine's Day

John Hyatt's on the radio on Valentine's Day, with Terry Christian and Michelle Adamson.Catch the live interview tomorrow morning at 7.50 a.m. Manchester UK time, February 14th on the BBC Radio Manch...
Posted by John Hyatt on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:38:00 PST

Art Loves Science - John Hyatt in the news again!

John Hyatt's in the news again, with his visionary view for Manchester as home of a new Renaissance, where Science and Art work together to save the world! To this end, John has organised 'Art Loves S...
Posted by John Hyatt on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:25:00 PST

Tales from the Hard Water Hotel - The Pattern Jumpers

The Pattern Jumpers by John HyattIt was snowing outside.After checking in, I met her, at the foyer-cum-bar of the Hard Water Hotel.She pointed out at the blizzard and into the thick of a growing storm...
Posted by John Hyatt on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:36:00 PST

My Only Company Tonight

My Only Company Tonight (Hyatt 06)I'll send you a message bounced off of the moonThat says, "Even moonbeams dream of you"."You of dream moonbeams even", is what you hearAnd the moon is my only company...
Posted by John Hyatt on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:14:00 PST

Oyster Chile

Oyster Chile (Hyatt 06)And so I stand before me nowReflected in the waters faceTo fall head first into the imageThis world has constructedTo dive head first into the memory's shellOff the fence and of...
Posted by John Hyatt on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:13:00 PST


Wow! (Hyatt 07)Wow! You're something to look atWow! You're something to seeEarly morning fireworksAt a thousand degreesWow! I wouldn't believe itWow! It is something to seeIt would take a lifetime to ...
Posted by John Hyatt on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:11:00 PST