In sept. 1981 Maurizio "Angus" Bidoli who's one of the most important rock guitar player ever in Italy, founded his band named Fingernails that becomed and are still remembered as one of most popular bands of italian metal scene. Together with bass player Marco "Bomber" Santoni and drummer Ricki "Duracell" Lipparini. Althougt the trio appeared in metal magazines, festivals and radio they realased their self-named debut album only in 1988 on Cobra Rc., wich was a best selling in Germany, Belgium and Italy. The band split-up in 1990, Angus carrier continued with other bands and projects (Angus Band hard psychedelic sound, 2 albums and 2 singles in '95-'96 + Felli italian hard blues 2 albums in '93-'95 + Mandas blues rock 2 singles in '96-'97).
It was 1996 when Duracell died on a car accident. Today Angus and Bomber are back together with drummer Fabrizio Lucidi (Alchimia) and singer Anthony Drago (Raff, Kaledon) having agreat response by the fans.
The band just realased the new cd "Hell'n'back" available 06/5 from Old Metal Rc./Maniacal Rc. (Usa) , produced by King Fowley (Deceased vocalist), a mixture of metal speed core music in pure Fingernails tradition. Actually bassplayer Bomber left the band. (*) New bassplayer Big Ricchard (Hammer) plays on the new album "Destroy western world" soon available in Usa and produced by King Fowley. Also soon available "Hell'n'back" album new version in Chile.
(*) Il nuovo bassista subentrato a Bomber è Big Ricchard dei metal rockers Hammer e suona nel nuovo album "Destroy western world" prodotto per il mercato statunitense da King Fowley mentre è in uscita la versione di "Hell'n'back" per il mercato cileno ed inoltre in preparazione un album doppio con le registrazioni storiche della band uscite su demo tra il '82 e l'87 per un etichetta cinese e distribuito in Usa e paesi asiatici ovviamente.
Get this video and more at Dirty Wheels 1988 Cobra Rc. / 2006 Old Metal Rc.
Get this video and more at Just like you want video / Old Metal Rc. 2006