We miss all of our dear friends who have went on to the rainbow bridge: Billy Bad Ass, Egypt, The Pachu, George, Sabby, and Baxter! We miss all of you! In loving memory. Savannah: I'm interested in all kinds of catnip, food, sunny spots, and toilet paper. Church: I enjoy licking the shower curtain, watching the computer screen, chasing laser pointers, playing with toys on strings, stealing my dogs food, playing on the table, climbing onto the entertainment center to play with the hanging plants, watching out the windows, playing with my brother Savannah, sitting on my mommy's lap, knocking things off of counters, and watching fish in the aquarium. PROUD MEMBERS OF MEWGLE'S ARMY
We'd like to meet all kinds of furry friends, and humans that love animals. MEWGLE!
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SAVANNAH: My favorite song is "You are my sunshine" because my mom sang it to me after she had me neutered. I was really, really, really mad at her until she sang me that song. CHURCH:I love music, and when it's playing, I sit and look at the speakers curiously until something else distracts me.
We're not allowed to go to the movie theater.
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We don't too much enjoy television, and I really can't understand how humans can just sit and stare at that box for hours.
SAVANNAH: The best tasting books are the ones that my mom has borrowed from someone, though magazines are right up there as well. CHURCH: I like to sit on books that my mommy is reading, but magazines are more comfortable.
Savannah: My human mom, for saving me from the feral life, when I am obviously too handsome to live outside, and for reminding me every day that I'm the most handsome cat ever; my human grandma, because she brings me presents every time she comes to visit me; and all of the big cats at the zoo because they could kick my great dane's butt even though he thinks he can sneak up on any cat because they're small! Church: My mommy for making me feel better when I was sick and for taking me to this interesting house, my grandma for taking care of me when I was feral, and for giving me love and presents when she visits, my brother Savannah, because he knows so much about the world, my dog Bones because he is big and slobbery, the people who make cat treats, the people who make medicine that makes kittens feel better, my feline mom because she was wise and brave and a mighty hunter, and everyone who loves cats and takes care of them.