MEWGLE profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Mewgle. I have been called 'Bimbo cat', 'Pup', and 'Wuss cat' (think that one was an insult) amongst others, though personally I prefer to be know as 'Miss Kitten UK'. I am very friendly and consider myself a member of my human household, who in fact adore me so much that they brought a whole new front door especially so I could aviod the evil bully cat in the back garden. My favourite hobbies involve catching small (preferably already dead) mice, sitting on computer keyboards, and eating. I am also ashamed to admit to a problem, for which I am seeking help, okay, here goes - I am addicted to water.Yup, there it is, I said it, I am a water junkie.My addiction started with drinking from pint glasses, before long I was sleeping in the sink just to be near a tap, and last week I plunged to new depths, I drank from a hot, soapy bath, I couldn't help myself, it was like one HUGE cup!! Anyway, I am now attending Waterholics Anonymos in an attempt to wean myself off the clear stuff, any other cats out there that are fellow addicts do let me know!YoursMewgle x
adopt your own virtual pet!WELCOME TO MEWGLE'S SPACE
Get this video and more at Working my space.
Mewgle's Wirpalot. R.I.P Billy Bad Ass-I miss you. My myspace big sister Rusty.
Latest recruit ~ RAISIN

My Interests

WATER / sleeping / WATER/ eating/ WATER / sleeping / WATER / eating/ WATER / sleeping / WATER / eating / WATER/ playing / WATER / sleeping / WATER / eating / and SUNBATHING!!

I'd like to meet:

Mice, Sparrows, Fellow Wateraholics...


Quincy's song


are too large to catch?




Taste like diet cat food-BLEAUGH.


Chloe&Tabs, Muffin& Tessa, Smoky Smokison( pin-head),Colin and Charlie, Quincy,Kitty Baboo, Simba, Tony the Tiger, Cat-Woman. My dearest friend Billy Bad Ass - in loving memory.

My Blog


To all my soldier-kits, this is General Mewgle here, I have just received a telegram from Santa's Chief Elf - Rudolph is suffering from a nasty bout of Kennel Cough and therefore we may be called up a...
Posted by MEWGLE on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST


MY PAGE IS FINALLY FIXED!!!! THANK YOU TO ALL MY FURRIENDS!! Update:A big mew to all you kittys leaving me comments ...most recently Giles, Batoosie, Diego, Niko, Pierre, Scarlett Rose, Raisin, Baxy, ...
Posted by MEWGLE on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:14:00 PST


MEW!! Hello all my furriends. Evil Meowspace is not posting my comments, and showing my picture as deleted. I am very upset as my friends think I am neglecting them or have left myspace. I miss you al...
Posted by MEWGLE on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 03:45:00 PST


My humans are going away for a week and I am allowed to stay home alone!!MEWMEW. My mum's friend is coming to look after me daily and she is very friendly and has promised she won't let any diet food ...
Posted by MEWGLE on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:09:00 PST

Join my Cat Army

As some of you are already aware, I a long term sufferer of bullying...The Evil Bully Cats, headed by Evil Cat himself, make it their lifes work and aim to chase and beat me everytime I venture outsid...
Posted by MEWGLE on Tue, 09 May 2006 02:30:00 PST


So last night my step-dad decided to take down the xmas lights (yeah I know, may as well have left them up til this xmas!!) and with all the commotion I slipped out of the open window (I do like to ba...
Posted by MEWGLE on Sat, 06 May 2006 04:21:00 PST