Wavy Gravy profile picture

Wavy Gravy

Gravy, Sillabub and The Little Guy

About Me

"I am Mr. Mo!"ok... since mySpace has age restrictions, you have to subtract 90 years off whatever my profile says to get to my true age.i'm a very cute black and white kittie with green eyes, pink toes and a black dot on my nose. i was born in chicago and i was doing fine on my own, roaming the streets and acting tough... then i stole a loaf of bread to save my sister's starving child and was caught and thrown into this so-called "shelter" for 19 days(!) - 5 for what i did, and the rest because i tried to run. they even gave me a prisoner number: 24,601.fortunately i was adopted by some guy with a well stocked pantry. a little over a year later he brought home two kittens from the same "shelter" that imprisoned me. now i have someone to pounce on! but since then they both got bigger and sometimes fight back...we all moved to San Diego in the summer of 2005, then moved again in 2006, this time to San Francisco. hopefully this will be it (for a while)!here they are: sillabub (miss bub) and the little guy (TLG).
"we use butt coasters!"for real estate and tax purposes, Sillabub and TLG are legally MY cats. i enjoy being a single dad...i've been told i'm the BEST purr-er ever!!! you don't even need to pet me... just be my friend and i'll sit next to you and purr for you, nice and loud, and with lots of love!Sillabub
"I am Miss Bub and Miss Bub is not mocked!"my name is Sillabub, but my human calls me Miss Bub or Hissy Bub. it's not my fault! you see, i'm the only girl in this family and i have to be tough, otherwise the boys will be stepping all over me (sometimes they do, literally!)i am the middle child and am 2 years younger than Gravy. i have a grey coat and sheds the most by far. i believe it's my job to turn all the furniture in the house into a beautiful grey color! i also like to explore places and get into spaces and cabinets that i'm not allowed into. i am really smart! when i was 3 months old i figured out how to work a light switch, and my human had to put duct tape over all the light switches so i couldn't flip them on and off constantly! i am such a brat!i am also the most outgoing (ahem, bravest) of the 3 of us, and am the only one who will greet you when you visit. be careful when you're snacking around me, because i have been known to steal food right out of a human's hand en route to their mouth!oh, and i hate having my picture taken (who doesn't?), so none of the pictures you see here really do me justice.The Little Guy
"chirp chirp chirp" (i don't know how to meow...)it's true, ever since i was a kitten i had not been able to "meow", so instead i bob my head and "chirp" when i need attention. my human calls me the tugger because i know how to tug at his heart strings the best. and since i'm 5 days younger than Sillabub, that makes me the baby of the family.as you can see, i'm a brown tabby with a fuzzy tail. i have a very kind heart and although am shy at first, once i warm up to you it won't be too long before you will be calling me the tugger! i like to sit on your lap and be petted, and if you're trying to watch tv then you're out of luck, because chances are i'll be chirping at you and sitting on your remote.when i was a kitten i jumped on my human's computer keyboard and hit every single key while he was trying to work and not paying attention to me. it crashed the hard drive and it took 2 days to re-configure it! when he bought a new iBook i jumped on that too and knocked it to the floor from the kitchen counter. fortunately (or unfortunately) it only chipped the corner a little. so don't you ever think about paying more attention to an inanimate object than you do to me!

My Interests

1. scratching
2. napping
3. eating
4. snacking
5. purring
6. chasing the laser pointer dot
7. being scratched
8. catnip mice
9. laying out under the sun
10. staring at the wall! the light intensity changes constantly!! i mean... WOW!!!An illustration of interest no. 3:

I'd like to meet:

Other pets. Human animal lovers as long as stated in their profiles as such.

My Blog


In mid yawn...In mid meow..."What?! You said we could have one thing from the counter. We'll just take the money clip."Mr. Mo and TLG, always cuddling... hmmm... I wonder if...Gravy: "No! Don't co...
Posted by Wavy Gravy on Thu, 18 May 2006 02:53:00 PST

6 Weird Facts/Habits about Myself

So I guess the rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a bulletin with "six weird facts/things/habits about yourself."You have to finish by choosing six people to be tagged and list thei...
Posted by Wavy Gravy on Fri, 12 May 2006 11:53:00 PST

Quotations about Cats

It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens. ~Cynthia E. VarnadoIn order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worshi...
Posted by Wavy Gravy on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:36:00 PST

A few words from the human slave

I started putting this page together because I thought it would be cute. As I gathered pictures of my furry "kids" and thought of things to write about them, I remembered how they destroyed my last c...
Posted by Wavy Gravy on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST

Why I Purr in my Sleep

My biological mommy was feral, which meant I was too... but I was very young when the shelter found us. None of my siblings survived. My mommy never came around to trusting humans and the shelter c...
Posted by Wavy Gravy on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 05:10:00 PST