MySpace Layouts
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Layout Codes and Myspace Graphics
Layout Graphics Cats Comment Images
Layout Codes and Myspace Graphics
Layout Graphics Cats Comment Images
This is Sabbitha's space. "Hi my name is Sabbitha. I am approximately nine years old, give or take two years. Take them please lol. I am a beautiful, long haired black kitty and I KNOW IT, I'm always prancing around like a princess or a prom queen. I'm very shy though, I keep to myself mostly I stay in the basement. I don't like the dogs at all they are hideous and the other cats are mean to me. I love to be petted, I get real loud and I claw and stick my butt in the air real high. I am timid around my family even though. I cry whenever I want something done for me. If I want my food filled up I won't stop crying until it's done. I will not accept anything less. My food must be FULL at all times and my litter MUST be clean at all times OR ELSE you'll get an ear full. I'm a good kitty. I don't do anything bad. I don't play much because I'm a scardy cat mostly. I'm a nice kitty though. : ) love me.I mostly just like to sleep. Groom myself. Admire myself. you know..the usual.
2nd Place Best Eating contest on Princess Daisy's cat contests
Van Gogh
How can anyone resist that face?
VanGogh is a sweet male that has had a rough start in life. When he entered the pound the ear mites in his ears were so bad that he suffered a hematoma and lost part of his outer ear as a result of it. A donation has helped him save his ear and he no longer is in pain (or has ear mites) but this large gentle boy now would like a home with a warm cozy bed. VanGogh is available for adoption at the Wyandotte Pound.
This is Puffy's Space.Hi my name is Puffy Anna-Marie. I am a seventeen year old kitty (*yes that is in human years.) I am a white cat with one blue and one green eye. My mama got me when she was just eight years old. I was her first official pet. I mean, her family had pets before but she never had one of her own. I was and still am her best friend. I was there for her when sometimes no one else was. She cried to me, was sick around me, hugged me and protected me when people (her a-hole dad) tried to be mean to me. We've shared a lot in those 17 years. I've become somewhat of a legend to her friends and friends of her family. I used to be quite angry and mean, but I've mellowed a little bit in my years. I'm just finally starting to show the age. Last year I looked like a five year old kitty when I was 16. I've injured a couple of people but both deserved it. The first was a drunken idiot who tried to make me drink miller light. YUCK I so don't like miller light. So I put him in the hospital with a little "Cat scratch fever". The next was..well let me tell you the story. My mama and family went on vacation and they had this bitchy woman coming to the house to feed and water me and the dog at the time a german shep named Sebastian "Baz" for short. Well they were all worried about the dog, what if he gets protective and bites when she walks in..but then they get a call from animal control that I had attacked her lol. Guard cat extraordinaire. Let me tell you, I never liked that woman. I've scared people, you can never tell if I'm going to be nice or hiss or anything. I always pretend to be nice and then get mad lol. I like doing that but like i've said I have mellowed out over the years. Now I let a few people pet me outside of the family. I love my family. I don't mind the dogs so much that I live with as long as they leave me alone and don't steal my food. I'll even cuddle up with them. I loved KD, RIP KD. She was a great dog and we were real close. She respected me and I respected her. She passed a couple of years ago from diabetis. As long as the dogs know that I AM THE QUEEN BEE and THE RULER OF THIS HOUSE then we're all good. My teeth are kind of screwed up so they have to feed me canned food a lot now. I used to be quite playful. In the spring I'd get so excited and sit by the window and make these strange meowing noises. Then mama would say are you watching the birds? and I'd purr. I wanted to go out and eat them hehe. Once I brought a bird inside with me, it was no fun, they got it away and let it go. I've killed a few hamsters and fish in my day, that's why they won't get anymore of those small critters. They are cute but they just don't want to get them to feed me...they deserve a better life than that. Although my name is Puffy, I'm not really a puffy style cat, I'm short haired but my mama had a long haired white kitty with one blue and one green eye and she named me after that cat. My brother, snowball, lived with the next door neighbor. He's actually the reason they got me. Originally I had one tiny patch of black furr but it completely went away. I'm a princess, a bitch, a sweetheart, and I'm very loyal and protective of my family. I am Puffy Anna-Marie. Thanks for coming by My myspace."
Nicknames: Puffy, Puff, Puffina, Princess, angel cat, mommys little angel, zima cat