Irish History, Lit, Music, Pubs. Lots of Beer Surfing/Travel Snowboard/Firplaces the ER.
Green Apples. Red sometimes... its good for the tummy.
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
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Lunasa . Danu. Teada. Altan. Bothy.
BoonDock's yea!Lord of the Rings
M.A.S.H. Jeopardy. 90210 Reruns
Paul Auster (everything he has ever written).. Slew of Irish Authors that goes on and on.... HEMINGWAY tis the man himself ! / Yeats JOYCE
A different kind of Hero... We all know this guy!A fine note to yee'sFaith Hope and Love... Be Good Ya'll Slan go foil...