~ denise ~ profile picture

~ denise ~

We live for the nights we'll never remember with the people we'll never forget.

About Me

I am a photographer working out of Baltimore, Maryland. I specialize in a photojournalistic style that captures life as it happens...live, raw and unpredictable. I never know what's going to happen next... a great shot, a boot to the side of my head, or being splattered with beer, jell-o or mud. It's the stuff that keeps life interesting & seems to mesh with my twisted personality. I work mainly with local bands, providing live show photos, promo shots for press kits, CD covers & inserts, as well as designing layouts & graphics for CDs, logos & posters.
If you’re in a band, an actor, a model, a burlesque performer, a stripper, or you just need some sexy profile pics, email me for rates and availability. My inbox is overrun, so be sure to put something catchy on the subject line to get my attention.
Come on, you know you want to hire me.....if you need more convincing...
Goto my flickr page & check out..even more of my work @
www.flickr.com/photos/denise-design/sets/ ..
on a personal note....
~ a pretty face can get my attention...
~ but it takes an interesting mind to keep it...
~ smart IS sexy...
~ I'm a contradiction... i'm capricious...and I bore easily...
~ humor is essential, i love to laugh...
~ I will never grow up...
billy's balloon

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(thanks Jay... i told you i would find this...
I love climbing trees, jumping on beds, water gun battles and playing hide and go seek... i want to go on a scavenger hunt... dig for buried treasures or dinosaur bones...
~ a REAL date... you know, dinner and a movie, would really be nice every once in a while...
I like to plan things... but know that the best things in life are those insane, spontaneous, adventures...
Driving for hours with no destination...just a general direction of north, south, east, or west, sounds like a wonderful idea... why NOT throw the dart and the map and just GO??? getting lost isn't a BAD thing...
it isn't ridiculous to trek 3 hours for that "chicken samich" I love...from that little place, WAY over there...you remember... that one that we stopped at that one time, coming back from that place... come on...you know the place i'm talking about...
~ I overuse the ellipse... and most of the time it's grammatically incorrect...
~ sometimes i capitalize my "i's".... sometimes I don't...
I love to fuck in bar & restaurant restrooms...roof tops... fire escapes... dark, dirty alleys... amusement park rides... basically, anywhere you shouldn't... I wanna....
~ I listen more then I talk, but I type one HELL of an email...
I'm an insomniac... which most likely is the largest contributor to how warped i am...
~ I love nudity...a human body is beautiful, amazing work of art...
I HATE talking on the phone... no, really... i fucking HATE it with a passion... even hate checking my voicemail... the ringer is never on...
~ piercings & tattoos are a definite turn on...
~ unless they're obviously a joke, please keep the corny pickup lines to yourself...
spelling is not my strong point... the spell check built into my browser makes me seem as if i can...
~ actually love to read, just never have the time to do so...
~ I must love complicating my life, as I seem to do it all the time...
am always attracted to, and fall for the people that i absolutely should NOT fall for...
i'm not quite as tough, and emotionless as i like to portray... i actually DO have feelings... as i'm reminded quite often when they are hurt by said people that i should not have fallen for in the first place...
~ trying new things, laughing at my mistakes.
~ Still have my little brood...though at the end of last year I was devistated to loose my dearest boy, the most amazing cat in the entire world, Chet to cancer. There will never be another Chet, and I will never totally recover from the loss. Keeping me company these days are...3 cats (Aggie, Tristan, & Günter) & 2 Chihuahuas (Tallulah & Raoul Duke). I adore all the "kids", they're worth all the trouble.
~ trust used to be given instead of earned... but i guess i recently dated one asshole too many...
~ i WANT to believe in people... giving your word should actually mean something...
i hate to admit it, but i'm still a little bit of a romantic... sure, falling in love would be wonderful...but i'm not out looking for it... if it happens... YEAH ME!.... if not, my world is CERTAINLY not going to end...
i'd give the shirt off my back... my kidney... even my life for my real, true, bestest friends...and fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it... i recently learned who those TRUE friends are... and they weren't nearly as many as i had originally thought...
quietly i'll take a lot of shit without complaining, but i do have my breaking point... fuck me over and i hold a grudge forever...
last year i started working on that... if i can't even redeemer WHY it is that i hate you... i think i should be able to forgive you...
~ I haven't volunteered at the zoo in a while & I miss my birds. Those silly pink birds.... I see flamingos in my dreams.
I don't want L.B. to go to another zoo. We finally understand one another.
Will his new keeper learn to love him, even though he's such a nasty, ill-tempered little bastard??? I hope so.
~ Love dresses, sexy lingerie, corsets, black lace, vinyl, platform heels & make-up.
~ I'm still not prissy. Still getting dirty. Breaking my nails. Not whining about it.
I want to know everything... learn everything... do everything.... i want go everywhere... see the world... leave no stone unturned...
~ i love to read quotes from intelligent people...
i wake up every day knowing this could be my last, i think "today is a great day to die"... because of this, most of the time i "do" before I "think"
~ i make it a point not to have any regrets... or at least i TRY to...
i don't want to waste a second of this life... i think wasting time and wasting talent are the only REAL sins...
i believe that love, marriage and children are not mandatory to have a successful, meaningful life... they're the cool-whip topping on that home made apple pie... they can make it sweeter, but it's still pretty damn good without it... great, now i'm fucking hungry, and want some apple pie...
~ I will not live MY life by someone else's limits, rules, or standards...
I'm stubborn & can be unreasonable... slightly arrogant & somewhat narcissistic...
I DO NOT like being told what to do... try it, and will have to do it anyway now... just for spite... i have an idea... try SUGGESTING something instead...
I love to people watch...and laugh... even though it's mean and i'm "going to hell" for it...
i don't really believe in a heaven and a hell... i think this time... this life right now is both of them combined... filled with the sweetest pleasures, and deepest sorrows... BUT... i actually do possess a "get out of hell free card"... looks like a monopoly card, and i carry it in my wallet... you know... just in case...
i'd rather kiss girls then boys but hate those girls that kiss girls just to get the attention of boys... but i'll kiss them anyway...
if i had to chose between being blind or deaf, i'd rather be comatose & live within the boundaries of my own imagination...
my favorite daydream is that the zombies are finally coming... i can sit for hours and plan out how i'm going to survive... what do i need... where will i go... i'm prepared, bitch!
i don't drink to get drunk... not to say that i DON'T get drunk... sometimes it's the result, but never the initial goal... i like GOOD beer, cheap wine, and margaritas are just yummy if done right...
i could live off of salsa & chips & chocolate... not necessarily TOGETHER...
i do believe in fate, destiny and karma...and though, yes, i've made some mistakes, I still believe that i'm a "good person".
don't smoke... hate smoking... it stinks... it tastes bad.... but i put up with it anyway... i'm not sure why... i guess because everyone i care about DOES somke... i'm the minority, so i deal...
~ Photography is my passion, Music is my reason....
~ a life lived in fear isn't a life worth living.
if you've actually made it this far, you really do deserve a gold star...I AM FUCKING IMPRESSED...really i am... and that's not sarcasm (which i love, BTW)...
Support Your Local Scene
Dingleberry Dynasty
Burn the Fields
Amateur Phone Hussies
Polkadot Cadaver
51 Peg
u.s.s.a. pleasuredome
mouth curved moonlike
Dark Water Transit
Great Mutant Skywheel
Animal Pharm
All Mighty Senators
Dog Fashion Disco
The Bootblacks Live Band Karaoke!!!
Flesh Colored Radio
the perfects
Tears of Mars
The Heavycoats
Hell To Pay
The Screws
Scheduled Beating
Taken By Force
Odd Girl Out
Sean K Preston
Danny Kay and The Nightlifers
Two Tone Tony & the Carburator Cats
Junkrod Joe and the Cadillac Hearse
Krum Bums
Concombre Zombi
Sex Slaves
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Strung Out
No Use For A Name
Burden Brothers
Noise in the Basement
Eat Your Neighbors

My Interests

if you enjoy my work, help out... please donate some pocket change to my starving artist fund... come on... this electric bill ain't cheap, you know... and it'll get you some good karma points...

PHOTOGRAPHY ~ taking pictures at shows ~ taking pictures of drunk people ~ taking pictures of naked people ~ taking pictures of drunk, naked people ~ taking pictures at graveyards ~ taking pictures while driving ~ taking pictures while having sex ~ pretty much taking pictures anytime, anywhere...MUSIC ~ going to shows (support your local scene!!) , Dark corners of seedy bars ,Animals ,Roof top views of the city, Sex on roof tops with views of the city... or no view at all , Reading ~ sci-fi ~ horror ~ classic literature... okay... I'll read just about anything...I AM such a geek!!!Horror, gore, & mayhem,Complicating my life ,SEX in uncomfortable places ,Power tools (love to build things....a tool belt looks hot with a bikini) ,Giving pleasure ~ Receiving pleasure ,Cooking & baking for people,boobies ,Ignoring my phone ,Art in all forms ,Wine ,Saving crap that most people would throw away , Rough sex, Gentle sex, Sex in general, Camping ,GOOD Beer ,KISSING until my lips ache ,Spiders ,Hiking ,Spending hours online looking for good porn ,Getting lost ,Movie special effects & make-up , Dancing ,Snuggling on the sofa with someone beautiful & watching mindless television for hours on end , Jumping on beds ,Creating sculptures,Sending long, strange, complicated email very late at night...then in the morning, wishing i hadn't ,Strip clubs ~ Strippers ~ Burlesque ,Sucking on lolly-pops... and things ,Climbing trees ,Bubble baths and hot steamy showers in the dark , sex in said bubble baths and hot steamy showers in the dark ,The ocean waves & sandy beaches ,Diet Dr. Pepper (tastes just like the real thing!!) ,Mexican Food ~ sharing hubcap margarita’s with the people I love , Running with scissors ,Getting caught in the rain ,Trying to squeeze more hours into the day ,Humor... dry, dark, twisted, just plain WRONG, & sarcastic...
I'm an official card carrying menber of: laughing... laughing....& MORE LAUGHING....until I snort like a pig, pee my pants, or both...

I'd like to meet:

love to meet.....creative people, painters, writers, burlesque performers, photographers, sculptures, porn stars, bands, dead movie stars, strippers, action heroes, serial killers, garden gnomes, puppets, freaks, geeks, weirdo’s, zombies, monsters, super heroes, go-go dancers, cartoon characters, vampires, conjoined twins, pirates, cavemen, record labels, music venues, Goddesses, free thinkers, spiritual people, beautiful people, articulate people, FUNNY and SARCASTIC people…..and....

Now who wouldn't want to meet HER????



Strung Out
No Use For A Name
falls ending
Eat Your Neighbors
The Cramps
Tenacious D
She Wants Revenge
Rise Against
Burden Brothers
51 Peg
Johnny Cash
Me First & the Gimme Gimmes
The Dreaming
Otis Redding
Hell To Pay
Jeff Buckley
Concombre Zombi
BB King
Tom Waits
The Mars Volta
Apoptygma Berzerk
The Screws
Me vs. Everybody
The Sex Slaves
Barry White
Scheduled Beating
Bad Religion
Sam Cooke
Marvin Gaye
The Cure
Nine Inch Nails
Alice In Chains
Fightning Chance
A Perfect Circle
Aphex Twin
David Bowie
Sex Pistols
Bouncing Souls
Lacuna Coil
Concrete Blonde
Depeche Mode
Hanoi Rocks
Sarah McLaclan
Mazzy Star
Peter Murphy
The Sisters of Mercy
Carl Orff
Skinny Puppy
30 Seconds to Mars
Tapping The Vein
Smashing Pumpkins
Type O Negative
Marilyn Manson
Lords of Acid
Mindless Faith
Less Than Jake
Lords of the New Church


There are so many movies I LOVE...this could take all day.....
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(the ORIGINAL, of course!)
Boondock Saints
Shawn of the Dead
28 Days Later
Empire of the Sun
American Psycho
The Machinist
Batman Begins
Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas
The Princess Bride
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day or the Dead
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Crow
House of 1000 Corpses
Devils Rejects
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness
Requiem for a Dream
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Omen
(see why I don't want to have kids??)
Dark Crystal
Corpse Bride
Edward Scissorhands
Napolean Dynamite
Logan's Run
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Full Metal Jacket
Team America: World Police
The Shining
Clockwork Orange
Usual Suspects
Fight Club
Anything from Monty Python
Kevin Smith films
~Clerks 2,
~Chasing Amy,
~Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back,
~Jersey Girl
Reservoir Dogs
Hope and Glory
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Doom Generation
The Lost Boys
Last Emperor
The Grinch
(1966 ~ cartoon)
Star Wars (IV, V & VI)
Big Fish
The Breakfast Club
Lost Horizon (1973)
Sixteen Candles
Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now
Time Bandits
Spinal Tap
Pretty In Pink
Planet of the Apes
(Yep, every last one of them!)
Taxi Driver
Neverending Story ~ "Falkor !!!!! "



I don't really get a chance to watch much television... not that it matters anyway... most of my favorite shows have been yanked off the air by some moron that wouldn't know a good show if he could get his head out of his ass long enough to watch it! But in a PERFECT world... my picks are:

Mystery Science Theater
(BEFORE Scrappy!!)

Ren & Stimpy
Red Dwarf

The Weather
...and my new favorite,


"Through me you pass into the city of woe: Through me you pass into eternal pain: Through me among the people lost for aye. Justice the founder of my fabric moved: To rear me was the task of power divine, Supremest wisdom, and primeval love. Before me things create were none, save things Eternal, and eternal I shall endure. All hope abandon, ye who enter here." -Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy,
"...I believe I'm a sort of Ideal Woman, if you know what I mean. I'm the sort of woman who can take men away from their wives, but I could never keep anybody for long. And that's because I'm the type which every man imagines he wants, until he gets me; and then he finds he doesn't really, after all." --Christopher Isherwood, “Berlin Stories”
La Divina Commedia
House Of Leaves
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
All JRR Tolken
Anna Karenina
The Stand
Animal Farm
Chronicals of Narnia
Alice in Wonderland
The Time Machine
Of Mice and Men
Paradise Lost
The Color Purple
The Grapes Of Wrath
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul
The Moon is Down
ALL Roman Dirge

~Monsters in my Tummy
~Something at the Window Scratching
~The Cat with a Really Big Head,
and One Other Story that Isn't as Good....
(I nearly peed my pants over that one)
The Theif of Always
The Stranger
Native Sun
Black Boy
On the Road
Farside collections
much, much MUCH more....


My Blog

Well, we dont call him "Pretty Jay" for nuthin....

it's so good to be home in baltimore... it's so good to be settling into my new place... the only thing that could make life even sweeter is to be back behind the camera for the wonderfuly sweet, beau...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:07:00 PST

The Bootblacks Live Karaoke!!!

Did you ever dream of being a "rock star".... up on the stage, fronting your own band....well kids, here's your chance...The Bootblack's LIVE Karaoke!!!!!Hosted by Landis Expandiscome on out...read th...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:00:00 PST

fuck math... english is my strong subject...

Check out this video: Proper use of the "F" word Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 05:21:00 PST

To Bff Jay....

Jay...my OCD attacked full force... i could not back away from the scanner...there were so many photos illistrating our drunken stupidity to choose from...so here you go...you asked for it...enjoy our...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST

Finally... more photo blogs...

it's been a while since i've gotten around to putting up some photos... so tonight i pulled an all nighter and have not 1.... but 2 photo blogs...the first is drunken photos from Jeff's going away par...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:09:00 PST

Photo Blog 2... the random blog...

here are random photos....from random days & nights....of random friends...doing random things....some you may have already seen...others you havent...that's all...bed time...i'm a great babysitte...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:18:00 PST

Photo Blog - Kickball - part... fuck, i lost count...

and... the last of the kickball pics... alright... there actually might be 3 or 4 more.... i'll have to check...but hey, i managed to get these done and posted before the next game, which is July 21st...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 06:56:00 PST

Photo Blog - Tara & Dee's 80's Prom

Tara wrote, "Now put up some prom pics or ill slice your vulva!"i happen to like my vulva just the way it is, so i listened... i loves you Tara!if you missed the Prom, you missed stupidity at it's fin...
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:56:00 PST

Photo Blog - Kickball Part 3

and even more....and even more still to come.......
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:13:00 PST

Photo Blog - Kickball Part 2

i promised more... so here you go....break time.... more stupidity to come.......
Posted by ~ denise ~ on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:44:00 PST